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  1. Direchicken

    Comment by 'Direchicken' in article 'Rirs And Black Australorps'

    Hi there, I've been away from BYC for a while now, only just logged back on and noticed the RIR and Black Australorp photos you added to my collection (here: Cool!! I didn't even know if it was possible for another member to add...
  2. For Sorting

    For Sorting

    Arizona Desert Chicks member since 2008 Glendale, Arizona, USA about 1 week old: 7 weeks old 14 weeks old: 19 weeks old: Sugar and Spice at 22 weeks - Such social butterflys, it's hard to get them alone. They are now laying light brown eggs. Spice started laying at 21 weeks of age...
  3. Direchicken

    Easter Egger

    Easter Egger True-breeding Easter Eggers are only widely available in the USA, though so hugely popular there that maybe they will spread to other parts of the world soon! However, technically any blue- or green- laying hen that isn't recognised as a standard of another breed like an Araucana or...
  4. Ancona 1

    Ancona 1

    Ancona A handsome black and white Mediterranean breed of chicken, that can be sexed according size of head gear by 10 weeks or even earlier. Female comb and wattles eventually grow very large (relative to those of other breeds) but grow more slowly than in males, with the result that comb...
  5. Orpington 2

    Orpington 2

    Orpington Takes its name from the village where it originated in the south-east of Greater London. A heavy, gentle breed with profuse, soft feathering. Commonest colours are buff, black and lavender. 4 weeks male 7 weeks female 14 weeks male 19 weeks female 4 weeks posted by...
  6. Direchicken

    Light Sussex 1

    Light Sussex This is a heavy breed of chicken, which displays no great differences in plumage between males and females. As far as I'm aware, one therefore has to rely on relative differences in size, shape of hackles and head gear to get an idea of gender. There are theories that one can get an...
  7. Silkies 3

    Silkies 3

    Silkies A notoriously hard breed to sex. I think the first really useful character to emerge is typically the walnut comb, which starts to become noticeably more bulged and bubbly in males around 10 weeks. But at least in some lines, sexes may be separable on the basis of head feathering, which...
  8. Barnevelders 4

    Barnevelders 4

    Barnevelders Most lines of Barnevelder seem to produce male and female chicks that are difficult or impossible to reliably distinguish from one another at hatching. However, BYC member TLS_ranch has a line of Barnevelders that can be sexed reliably on down plumage, as illustrated below. Note...
  9. Direchicken

    Sexing Different Breeds

    Introduction The intended purpose of this collection of photos is to help people trying to determine the sex of their chicks. One of the best sources of information I've found is photos of chicks of the same breed at a similar age to those I've been trying to sex, and (obviously) of known...
  10. Default


  11. Direchicken

    any idea?

    Hoping for a RIR roo, eh? I reckon that's quite brave - I had a part RIR roo that was one of the most vicious things I've ever encountered. Couldn't go into the enclosure without a shield or pole of some sort to fend him off, and if you let him out into the garden he would try to circle round...
  12. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Right! After a leave of absence from BYC (taken mostly in the interests of getting other things done, like work) I am going to start contacting people who let me know they have photos to share - hopefully by now most of the early contributors should have very obviously sexed chickens now, as...
  13. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hi mother o'chicks 72, I just returned from hols this week so haven't looked at BYC in a while, hence the delayed reply. I guess if you post the pics in this thread, that would be interesting to readers and contributors, and would be easy for me to access in order to copy the pics across to my...
  14. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Hi mother o'chicks72, they sound great, I'd be especially interested in the BR, BO, BLRW and EE for the moment. Concentrating on large fowl for now, and these are all breeds that I've already started putting photos together for or was intending to in the near future! Cheers, Mark
  15. Direchicken

    Chick sexing project

    Thanks to the last katyhinmo, greensandjeans and allmychickens for your kind offers of photos. I reckon RIRs and Araucanas will probably be the next species I'll tackle, and I'll hopefully get round to Wyandottes soon as well! Best wishes, Mark
  16. Direchicken

    Rooster trying to teach my dog to attack

    Hi winky, just spotted this thread on the verge of becoming inactive, but thought I'd respond because it's a topic that interests me. First off, RIR roosters have a bad rep - of all of the breeds described on Henderson's list (check it up on Google if you haven't seen it, it's a wonderful...
  17. Direchicken

    Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

    Hi Henney Penney, the blue splash roo you posted a pic of is lovely. If you don't mind I will include him in the collection of photos for sexing that I have assembled here If you have any earlier photos of him...
  18. Direchicken

    Silkie thread!

    Quote: I made a Photobucket album for this. Here is the link.. Thanks racuda. Your chicks are ridiculously cute!
  19. Direchicken

    Silkie thread!

    Hi racuda, that is absolutely ideal, thanks for getting back to me. I'll be delighted to use your photos. I hope both the chicks turn out to be what you want them to be! Cheers, Mark
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