Post Pics Of Orps/ Orpingtons HERE

It is not a problem per se, but typical 'behavior' of the lavender mutation. Since there is very little info on breeding lavender, I can only tell you my thoughts on it. Most of the first pure lavs show this, as well as recent crosses back to black. You just have to select against it and get to a point of breeding good clean lavs. The lavs are a project, so in my opinion do need work, but there are not many folks dedicated to putting the work in. The fretting is really the least of the work that should be focused on with such a project. Color is easy to obtain. The focus should continue to be on breed conformation and getting more lines to standard.
Here's a lavender boy we still have hanging around from our last generation. He's keeping some white orp girls company while they're all in moult. The yellowing he obtained over the summer months is slowly going away. You can see the last bits on his head, which hasn't moulted out yet.



Hello all! I'd like to make a request on this thread for photos of Orpington chicks for which the gender is now known (but need not have been known when the photo was taken). Runs of photos of the same chick at a variety of different ages would be especially good. The photos are to bolster the rather meagre photographic support I have assembled for Orpingtons here:

in order to help people trying to determine the sex of their chicks. Either PM or email me directly with the photos or just post them in a reply to this thread.

Also, seeing as I'm here, here's a recent photo of the half Buff Orpington in my flock. Seven weeks old and full of male hormones - he made his first strangulated crowing sound a couple of days ago! His other half is White Leghorn.


i think he's handsome and the rich colored buff in the background is lovely too.

one of my pullet's layed her first egg yesterday, don't know which one, only the rooster is taking credit...
OK here are my new babies. They are 6 weeks old and you will never guess where I found them!!!!!!!!!!!!! CRAIGS LIST! lol The girl said they came from a well known breeder near by (and yes I did verify that with the breeder once I got home). I hope they grow up ok and are something I can work with.


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