I have eggs in the incubator 6 days till hatch. I am losing humidity even though it’s raining outside. I added warm water 3 hours ago and got it up to 53. Now it has dropped back down to 44. What’s going on?? Advice please!!
I have a question and I am wondering if anyone else has come across this situation. I converted all my girls over to the Nipple watering system. I know they have been getting enough water to survive in my DFW Texas heat but their egging laying has diminished surprisingly. Do you think they...
I give my girls all the remains after a crawfish boil. I just toss all the body parts (heads & tails). After a few days there is nothing left. They just love em.
What does a white hen look like when they are very young (day - week old)? I am looking for a white hen that will lay blue eggs.
Any suggestions where this creature may be found?