Barred Rocks Will Not Lay


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 23, 2013
Missouri Ozarks
I just bought some adult BR hens last weekend at a local swap meet and am very thrilled to have a new addition to my up and coming flock. They are large beautiful birds and look to be very healthy and act normal. The weather here in MO was cold and snowy for about 2 weeks straight, but has gotten warmer the past few days. The people I bought them from said that they stopped laying when in became cold and started snowing, which I understand totally. But.... I just bought some 9 month old SLW as well, and even with the weather and moving them 30 miles to my coop in the back of a pickup, they didn't stop laying at all. In fact they layed that very next morning for me. For now they are my only layers and I was just a bit concerned as to why my BR haven't started laying again. Is it normal? They are much friendlier than my super shy SLW's too, and they do not appear stressed in any way. Also, I might add that the people I bought them from did not know the age of the hens either, but they are defiently mature... Maybe too mature?? They probably just need more time but I do not see why as they are doing very well and are on top of the pecking order too. Any ideas?
It is normal for them to stop laying for a few weeks after a move. Just give them time. They'll stop laying if you change flock members, switch their coop around or get a new dog. Any changes can throw them off their lay.

Don't worry - just need more time.
That was... weird?
all but one of my hens have been laying all winter. But anything can put them off laying. I had to separate a wounded hen from the rest. But where she is is the hens favorite nesting area. I did'nt get a single egg even though the other nesting area is just fine( at least to me but then i'm not a laying hen...) Its been a week and we're back to six to seven eggs a day. (I only have eight hens) give them time.

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