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  1. jroyalimage

    Duck free range schedule

    so I have 6 ducks. 2 pekins, 4 Swedish. They are coming up on 7 weeks old and have been outside for about 2 weeks now and just this past week I took away their heat lamp. Next week I plan to allow them to fully free range near our large pond. But I have a question. They are at the point now...
  2. jroyalimage

    Allowing old rooster or young cockerel to free range

    Ok so before I start I want to say that I am fully aware that I am giving human emotions and thoughts to these chickens lol. So before I was going to allow all 4 of my young cockerels to free range together as a bachelor group. But then I ended up giving away 2 of the cockerels. And I have the...
  3. jroyalimage

    Early signs of an aggressive Rooster?

    Just from watching the flock he seems to not be all the way at the bottom of the pecking order. Out of the 4 roosters I have together, he seems to be number 3. The other 2 older ones never really bother with him unless he gets into a scuffle with one of the older hens.. I think this...
  4. jroyalimage

    Early signs of an aggressive Rooster?

    So my Easter egger rooster is just shy of 6 months in age and he is beautiful. He was raised up under my big australorp rooster so he’s really nice to “his” hens and respectful to the older ones. But in the last few weeks I’ve seen him start to kinda posture behind me as I walk away. Sometimes...
  5. jroyalimage

    Starting my free range bachelor flock

    Hello all!! So this summer I bought 15 chicks, I ended up 4 obvious roosters so far. They are 22 weeks old now. They have been raised together and under an elderly rooster that simply just does not allow conflict in his flock lol. So they all get along great for now. My plan is to move them...
  6. jroyalimage

    Dogs and Chickens

    I have 2 dogs. One is a pit bull and the other is a mix of probably every dog there is. When I first got my chickens I was nervous about them interacting but I was set on free ranging. I found it easier to teach the dogs to ignore them completely. The chickens are not food or toys. It took a...
  7. jroyalimage

    Baby with sore leg? Or broken?

    So one of my baby ducks is walking really weird. His leg isn't deformed or anything, he just doesn't put pressure on it. He can move it, he just scratched his head with it as I'm writing this post. He's eating, drinking, and pooping a lot. He is way smaller than the others. But in his defense...
  8. jroyalimage

    When to let ducks in large pen?

    Ok so I have a couple khakis that are about 3.5 weeks old. They have been living outside for the past week in their small cage. I have not used a heat lamp on them and they are doing really well. They are not completely feathered but they are starting to come in. And they are still pretty small...
  9. jroyalimage

    Is a LGD necessary???

    Ok so I'm trying to figure out if I should get a livestock guardian or not. My little farm is only about an acre, if that. I have two horses, some chickens, and 3 khaki campbells. My khaki's may be getting replaced by some turkeys. Right now everybody free ranges. I don't lock up the coops at...
  10. jroyalimage

    Raising chicks outside? Without heat lamp?

    Ok so I'm probably going to be getting some baby chicks pretty soon. From what I am told they are about 2 weeks old. I am wondering if I can raise them outside (in a secure shelter) without a heat lamp. It's been consistently in the 80's and 90's during the day and drops down to about the low...
  11. jroyalimage

    Allowing chickens to truly free range

    So I recently purchased some chickens although I have not brought them home yet. After doing countless hours of research and talking to other chicken owners, I have decided to let my chickens truly free range. My main reason for keeping chickens is for insect control and to spread the horse...
  12. jroyalimage

    Wild zebra finches?? Or just escaped pets?

    Ok so this is really weird. So I have exactly 13 zebra finches. Well I originally had 13. I now have 19. I keep my finch cage outside. I sometimes let them out of the cage for free flying which they really love. I do it about an hour before feeding time so I can call them back with food pretty...
  13. jroyalimage

    Chickens in horse pasture/electric fencing???

    Correct! I will get the coop before I get any chickens. I figured the chicken wire would keep the chickens in. I didn't even think about hiding spots. My horse has a run in shed that she never used. I suppose they could also run in lol. I would imagine I'd need some sort of hiding spot that is...
  14. jroyalimage

    Chickens in horse pasture/electric fencing???

    Ok so I'm not sure if this is the right section to post this in. But I think I am finally ready to get some chickens! I've been reading about keeping horses and chickens and so far the majority says it's ok. I want to keep my chickens in my horse pasture. I'm not sure if I want to buy or build...
  15. jroyalimage

    Getting a new flock!

    Hi guys, so I'm new to the backyard chicken community! I haven't browsed around too much so if this is in. The wrong spot I can repost it somewhere else... But anyway So I always thought chickens were really cool. I'm not a big chicken or egg eater but I do want to keep chickens. I live on a 50...
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