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  1. ChickenGrandma2202

    My garage is not your hangout spot lol

    My flock free ranges with a large coop that opens into our garage. Issue I am having is when we let them out in mornings over half of them are staying in the garage or coop. If I leave the door into the garage closed half of them stay in coop like they are trapped. I can't shut them off to the...
  2. ChickenGrandma2202

    Advice greatly needed temps gonna be very low tonight

    Thank you both. It hasn't been this cold here yet & we have been fighting frozen water. We did lose one bird but honestly don't think that was weather related. We just want to make very sure they are healthy, safe, & happy. I'm sure I'm being a worry wart for nothing lol
  3. ChickenGrandma2202

    Advice greatly needed temps gonna be very low tonight

    This is our first year with chickens. Our coop is quite large & is inside our garage. We use dlm with a combination of straw & pine shavings. We have 24 birds of varying ages (none are below 3 months old & all are fully feathered). We do not heat the coop other than a single heat bulb on there...
  4. ChickenGrandma2202

    Any ideas or suggestions are great!

    Thank you. Very sad to have to make that call but didn't want her to suffer.
  5. ChickenGrandma2202

    Any ideas or suggestions are great!

    Unfortunately she rapidly went down hill this evening. We made the call to end her suffering. So far everyone seems to be quite healthy showing no signs of illness. They are quite moody as we got our first snow this afternoon and they spent more time inside than out. Thank you to everyone for...
  6. ChickenGrandma2202

    Any ideas or suggestions are great!

    Thank you all so much. This morning she seems to be holding at not getting worse. Still not much interest in food but is drinking. And no one else is showing any issues at all still. She is sleeping quite a bit but it's always good to sleep when I don't feel well so hopeful that's the case here...
  7. ChickenGrandma2202

    Any ideas or suggestions are great!

    Thank you to everyone. Going to try to answer everyone.... no smell, no worms, comb and waddle look normal, one eye opened last night, her strength is coming back. Isolation more than now is not possible as far as for airborne.
  8. ChickenGrandma2202

    Any ideas or suggestions are great!

    We have a hen who yesterday was hiding under the nesting area. We got her out and noticed she was not herself. One she was letting us hold her and she is not ever allowed that. We took her out to the yard and could see one eye was swollen shut and the other was partially that way. She seemed to...
  9. ChickenGrandma2202

    Enjoying some nicer weather & so is the flock!!

    Enjoying some nicer weather & so is the flock!!
  10. ChickenGrandma2202

    What made your flock Happy today ? :)

    Mine got lots of yummy leftovers from Thanksgiving! And little Lucy decided she was gonna fly out of their run while we fixed some wind damage so a stroll through the bean field made her Happy!
  11. ChickenGrandma2202

    All 25 out of the coop yesterday!!! Quite funny some of their reactions! All seemed to enjoy the...

    All 25 out of the coop yesterday!!! Quite funny some of their reactions! All seemed to enjoy the run & sunshine!!
  12. ChickenGrandma2202

    What do I need to look for?

    We built ours in our garage. Two sides are chicken wire and 2 are the actual garage walls. Our garage is set up with a large sliding door that we open during the day, offering fresh air and light. There was a window on the wall which we used as an entry to their run. Deep liter is a must! Or I...
  13. ChickenGrandma2202

    A watery green poop question (pic)

    Not sure where you are located but we have a thisel plant here that looks a lot like what's in that poop. Our flock checked it out at first when we got them but quickly learned pooping them out is not as yummy and now just ignore them. Not sure if something similar happened here.
  14. ChickenGrandma2202

    Our flock has I need more boxes?

    I will try to get some current pictures. Only ones I have now are before we removed some of the tubs we had set up.... well they removed them lol.
  15. ChickenGrandma2202

    Our flock has I need more boxes?

    They had 6 nesting boxes to start with and only 5 hens. All 5 lay in same area so guessing that's the favorite lol. Never had a broken egg. Honestly hadn't even thought about that. Going to add some boxes and an indoor dust bath (for winter) this weekend so hopefully that helps. I am thinking...
  16. ChickenGrandma2202

    Our flock has I need more boxes?

    Yes they were separated for a while but now are all together. We can move they nesting area and honestly had thought about that. I just wasn't 100% sure how many boxes we needed. We will be moving coop around this weekend and building new boxes so we will see if that works. Thanks so much
  17. ChickenGrandma2202

    Comment by 'ChickenGrandma2202' in media '20171105_114830'

    @drumstick diva thank you!
  18. ChickenGrandma2202

    Our flock has I need more boxes?

    So our flock started as 5 laying, 1 getting ready within a month, and 5/7 still not sure who is boy and who is girl who will lay in Jan/Feb. And one very happy Rooster. Well this weekend it grew! New ones ares as follows 2 laying, 5 very close if not already, 2 no where close to laying, and a...
  19. 20171105_114933


  20. 20171105_114926


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