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  • We have almost everyone outside!! 13 have went out, a few are going in and out, some are just staying out, & 2 haven't been brave enough yet
    Welcome to Backyard Chickens! What an adorable profile photo!!
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    Reactions: ChickenGrandma2202
    The Angry Hen
    The Angry Hen
    Aw! I have a hen named Lucy too! She has a similar personality!! :D You're welcome. :)
    This is our first chicken adventure and I am just amazed at how different each of them are personality wise. Definitely having much more fun then I thought I would with them. Lol.
    The Angry Hen
    The Angry Hen
    That's wonderful! Welcome to the experience. It truly is a whole lot of fun. They are always supportive and certainly are amazing friends to have. :) God bless on your journey!!! :D
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