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  1. H

    N. Central Florida Wheaten/BW Ameraucana 3 week old chicks

    I have about 5 pullet chicks from nice stock. Fairly confident on their sex as they are 3 weeks old and the boys are starting to feather in. $15 each. Also a couple of cockerels if you are interested in a breeding group. Picture is from the flock I got the eggs from. No shipping.
  2. H

    My ideas on a super blue-egg layer

    Dmrippy is already doing this cross. You might want to contact her.
  3. H

    Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

    Looks like a straight comb to me too.
  4. H

    Sex my Easter Egger chicks

    I believe you are wrong. I have Ameraucana/Leghorn mixes, and about half of them are clean faced with single combs. Ive even hatched out wheaten Ameraucanas from muffed/bearded parents and had some turn out clean faced.
  5. H

    Sex my Easter Egger chicks

    Im pretty sure that is not true. Ive hatched several batches of Ameraucana mixes, with the father being Ameraucana, and the mothers being several different breeds. Ive gotten a wide variety of bearded, non-bearded, yellow and non yellow legs, and pea and straight combs.
  6. H


    I just picked up feed in Lake Butler today, layer is $20.24/100, chick starter is $21.76/100, and cracked corn is $18.20/100.
  7. H

    Eggs Wobbling/No pip....Help please!!!

    Just sit back and watch. Mother Nature knows how to get these babies out just fine.
  8. H

    What are you baking now?

    This is my go-to recipe for lemon meringue pie, which is very similar to the one posted here: Its fully cooked before you pour it in the pie crust, it just needs to cool down. Cornstarch is an amazing ingredient. And its...
  9. H

    A coyote found my chickens and I am in a panic

    Coyotes around here are very used to human scent, they are seen in suburban neighborhoods. Not to mention all the human scent around chicken coops. I set a hav-a-hart trap to try and catch raccoons and all I caught were coyotes. I caught one every night for 4 nights.
  10. H

    A coyote found my chickens and I am in a panic

    They're pretty easy to catch in a trap, too, if you dont want to shoot them. Then maybe a neighbor or friend will dispatch of it for you.
  11. H

    I have cancer

    My best friend had prostate cancer. It was found early, and he had several options. He opted on cryosurgery. It did change his life, as far as, uh, personally goes, but he opted to live instead of worry about his sex life. He had the procedure done 5 years ago, and he's still around to...
  12. H

    Trio of young Wheaten Marans- FL

    I have a very nice young trio of Wheaten marans, cockerel and 2 pullets, about 3 months old. I bought them to start a flock of them, but have since decided to go a different way, thus they are now available. Pickup north of Ocala.
  13. H

    I caught my fox! UPDATED.. now with the VIDEO!

    cmom, what kind of a gun do you have?
  14. H

    I made an egg Puff

    I think this is a giant pop over. Looks great.
  15. H

    I caught my fox! UPDATED.. now with the VIDEO!

    Neat!!! Edited to say not neat that you lost birds, thats always a bad thing. But owls are such beautiful birds, and you got some great videos of this one.
  16. H

    Trio of German New Hampshires - FL

    I have a trio of approx. 6 month old German New Hampshires available, 1 rooster and 2 hens. These did not make my final cut for breeders; they are, however, very beautiful birds, and really good layers of large brown eggs. Located near Ocala.
  17. H

    Easter cuteness
  18. H

    Permission to shoot neighbor's dogs

    ran·dom [ran-duhm] Show IPA adjective 1. proceeding, made, or occurring without definite aim, reason, or pattern: the random selection of numbers. There is nothing "random" about having to shoot dogs if they are killing your livestock. Not only that, it is perfectly legal. What if that...
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