I made an egg Puff

A friend of mine sent me a link to this recipe. the only difference was I didn't use fruit as a filling. We have asparagus coming in now in Western NY and so I made a simple microwave cheese sauce w/ chedder cheese and filled the egg puff with the asparagus cheese sauce.


Yummy!!! Just picked our 2nd picking of asparagus from the garden tonight, guess what for dinner tomorrow night? Thanks!
My family makes a very similar dish called Swedish pork pancakes. Cover the batter with a single layer of regular (not thick cut) bacon scored to prevent curling.
The base is basically identical other than a dash of sugar in the batter to aid rising.
I also find that a well seasoned cast iron pan works better than pie plates.

edited: spelling
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I too use a cast iron skillet to bake my puffs. We usually do them plain and then add fruit or apple butter or whatever after it cooks. We melt a tablespoon of butter in the skillet in the oven so the pan is hot when we pour the batter in. These are our late night go to when we get the munchies or a brunch offering on a lazy weekend day.

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