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  1. K

    2 guineas with wounds on their backs

    We have two female guineas and 6 hens that have been raised together from chicks. Today we noticed that both guinea girls were missing feathers on their lower backs. Tonight when I shut the coop they were missing way more and had open wounds on their backs. I’ve noticed them fighting a little...
  2. K

    Broken toe?

    Got up this morning to our Silkie chick limping. One of his/her toes is turned under it’s foot. Still walking and free ranging. Just limping. ☹️. Is there anything I can do??
  3. K

    When to introduce my chicks to the rest of the flock

    Thank you for your responses!! They have been interacting through chicken wire for about 2 weeks. The first few days the big girls were interested in them, but now don’t even seem to notice them. No aggression right now at all from the big hens. The little ones are spunky though. What about...
  4. K

    When to introduce my chicks to the rest of the flock

    i have a small flock of 9 month old chickens and guineas (6 total birds) and 3 babies that are almost 9 weeks. They have been in adjoining runs for about a week now. When can I put them together in the coop? As of right now, I carry the littles in and out of our garage everyday. Ready for...
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