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  1. swamphiker

    Pullet or Cockerels? RIR & Red SL

    PS, welcome to BYC! Is this your first flock of chooks?
  2. swamphiker

    Pullet or Cockerels? RIR & Red SL

    Both look like pullets to me. If they were cockerels, I would expect to see saddle feathers by now.
  3. swamphiker

    Chicks with blood on beak

    The injuries look small enough that they should quickly heal on their own, but it's worth trying to figure out how it's happening since multiple chicks have the same injury in the same place. I would suspect there is something sharp somewhere that is poking them.
  4. swamphiker

    Rehoming Entire Flock- Help need Advice

    Pricing can vary quite a lot by geographic area, age of hens, and the quality/condition/transportability of the coop. In my area I see folks occasionally post about entire flocks of chickens, sometimes including coop and supplies. You could try offering up the entire package at a special price...
  5. swamphiker


    Welcome to BYC!
  6. swamphiker

    What is the predator

    I suspect fox
  7. swamphiker


    Welcome to BYC! There are lots of lovely resources here for any and all questions that come up.
  8. swamphiker

    What is the predator

    About where are you located?
  9. swamphiker

    Meyer Hatchery Cochin

    Meyer Hatchery's policy on sexing errors:
  10. swamphiker


    Suspecting a cockerel seems reasonable, though of course time will tell. The best way I've found to prevent chicks (or adult chickens) from picking on each other is to provide more space.
  11. swamphiker

    5 week Barred Rock Male or Female

    I vote pullet. Barred rock males have more white barring. I also don't think the comb looks too red for 10 weeks. Of the breeds you mentioned, barred rocks are the only one with a straight comb so it will look more pronounced regardless of sex.
  12. My experience using a no-crow collar

    My experience using a no-crow collar

    This article is incomplete! I mistakenly thought it would save in draft form rather than publishing it right away. I'll try to finish it up in the next few days. I need a bit more time to get the photos and other media I want to add. As I write this, I know it's a controversial topic. This...
  13. swamphiker

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Thanks for checking in! I am well, just busy with other life stuff including getting close to earning a PhD, house things, travel, etc. I'm still a chicken-keeper and just got some new chicks. I check back on BYC every once and awhile. Who knows, I might get more active again sometime. I hope...
  14. swamphiker

    Chicken nail overgrowth cause?

    I have a backyard flock, including a 2.5 year old wyandotte whose feet are pictured below. Note the nail overgrowth and raised scales. She's the only bird with overgrown nails, everyone else's are a much more normal length. Their run is large and they spend plenty of time scratching. I went...
  15. swamphiker


    Welcome to BYC! Best of luck with your new coop build.
  16. swamphiker

    New to BYC!

    Welcome to BYC! If you want to figure out the breeds of your chickens, here's a nice guide: You could also post photos, I'm sure many folks on BYC could ID them :)
  17. swamphiker

    Farm cat

    @SmiYa0126 has a great idea. When you are looking at animal rescues, they will often call this a barn cat program, although the non-profit in my area calls it their "working cat program". It's a great thing to do since you would be giving a home to a cat that might otherwise be put down.
  18. swamphiker

    What sex and kind of chick?

    Its comb looks pretty red, I agree that it's likely a cockerel. Wait a couple more weeks and it will likely become clearer.
  19. swamphiker

    What breeds are these?

    Hi there, I don't think your photos came through, could you try attaching them again?
  20. swamphiker

    New to Chickens

    Hi Kit! Sounds like you already have quite the flock :D Welcome to BYC
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