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  1. Snakebiteholloway

    Bear Control

    The horse spooking would be my only real concern too. Where i am in northern Maine, bears are actually a very common issue. I see at least 3 every time i go walk my place. I won't hesitate to shoot one who's not put off by other methods. Same for the moose. The bulls are actually scarier...
  2. Snakebiteholloway

    Bear Control

    I wasn't implying you weren't well familiar with your mounts, my apologies. Sometimes in trying to keep my posts shorter i sound abrupt. I've been riding for about 45 years, and yes, running is the first instinct. I should be more specific. Most folks aren't ready for that incredible burst...
  3. Snakebiteholloway

    Introducing Tracy

    Welcome! This is a great site and i hope you'll enjoy it as much as i have!
  4. Snakebiteholloway

    Does Sunny need more calcium or protein--laid partial egg laden with poop?

    Oh i forgot to say, most worms aren't visible to the eye, but their eggs can be shed and some types are visible. Some types of worms are apparent because they are larger. Chickens usually don't get those, but it's not impossible, i guess. I would worm her anyhow. It won't hurt anything...
  5. Snakebiteholloway

    Does Sunny need more calcium or protein--laid partial egg laden with poop?

    Yes and you can look at her poop with a magnifying glass. Is it possible she has gleet? Yeast infection? That would be my second guess with the high production breed. It's easier to handle the skittish ones if you put on a blackout hood and wrap them securely in a towel. I made a black velvet...
  6. Snakebiteholloway

    What Killed My Chickens ????

    Definitely sounds like weasels to me. I'm so sorry for your babies! Hardware cloth over every opening is my rule here. I've lost a few to these tiny but ferocious predators. And believe it or not, rats are also vicious little killers. I'm so sorry!
  7. Snakebiteholloway

    Bear Control

    Bear spray. I've heard a lot of people use wasp and hornet spray but i BEG tourists up here NOT to do that. It can permanently blind and blister the bear - then you've a starving, blind and angry bear hanging around. Bear spray is the only way to go. Most will avoid humans like the plague...
  8. Snakebiteholloway

    What kind of rooster is this?

    Green legs make me think Americauna but i can't see a beard or sideburns. He's beautiful, whatever he is!
  9. Snakebiteholloway

    Change of plans

    Omg ain't it the truth!
  10. Snakebiteholloway

    Birder's lung, darlings disease

    I certainly will. Not to be gross, but I've checked my own mucus, lol. Last year i invested in a high quality microscope. I do a lot of chemical herbalism, so it was a great investment. I'm also self treating with herbal antifungals and can actually finally breathe without hacking up a shoe...
  11. Snakebiteholloway

    Does Sunny need more calcium or protein--laid partial egg laden with poop?

    If she always laid thin shelled eggs she may have a hormonal issue. There a single hormone whose only job is to "create" shells, to put it in simplest terms. Soy or sorghum (mine and professional research not proven) contribute to this hormone failing. Also to early prolapse and repro system...
  12. Snakebiteholloway

    Birder's lung, darlings disease

    That's it, the one i found. I don't get out much, obviously. I'll be calling them tomorrow. I really appreciate the help! I was very sick this time for two solid weeks. And unaccustomed to poor health, I've discovered I'm QUITE a whiner, and very cranky when i can't stay as active as i like!
  13. Snakebiteholloway

    Oddball question

    Thank you!
  14. Snakebiteholloway

    Oddball question

    This is an excellent answer, very informative based on experience, and has convinced me to invest. I really want a mated (bonded?) pair. Or a hen, if just a single. Not a real fan of male birds in general. Unless one breeds, they are honestly usually just a waste of space and feed at best...
  15. Snakebiteholloway

    where the heck do I buy pigeons!?

    I'm sorry this is a late response. I AM interested. (I was really sick for two weeks and didn't internet) is there a website? Or how does this work?
  16. Snakebiteholloway

    Birder's lung, darlings disease

    Odds? Yeah, patronized beyond belief. I use the VA system, but i may bring my microscope to her office with slides prepped next time! If not, I'll ask for a different dr. For sure. Thank you
  17. Snakebiteholloway

    Birder's lung, darlings disease

    Quite possible the dental k one. I'll do some research. Thank you - this is a valuable info. I didn't really consider online options, didn't think these things were available for the genpop. So i looked after your answer. I also just found a lab in a city within driving distance that does...
  18. Snakebiteholloway

    Birder's lung, darlings disease

    I've had them for 5ish years, never had any trouble and was even much more careless before. Then 2 years ago (backstory, short but so no one thinks I'm an idiot) i had a massive ragweed reaction that cause one of my sinuses to expand into my palate, requiring surg. correction. I've had sinus...
  19. Snakebiteholloway

    Birder's lung, darlings disease

    Not sure this is the right place, but has anyone ever been sick from their chickens or other fowl? So not bragging bit i never get sick, until the last 8 months, I've been very sick twice. But times i accidentally got a face full of coop dust for quite a few minutes. Now i wear a mask, but...
  20. Snakebiteholloway

    Leghorn hen has been laying shell-less eggs for two weeks

    I Am not so sure about sugar in prolapse treatment, never tried it. I do know from my studies that sugar is better for topical wounds than salt. I treat my severe gleet and prolapse with cephalexan, called "fish flex"at my local pet store. I don't care what anyone says, it works, at least...
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