What Killed My Chickens ????


In the Brooder
Feb 5, 2024
After dark I went out to do my last check and found that a predator had gotten in and killed 6 of my chicks. The chicks were about 8–10 weeks old. Im not sure exactly what got them though so please let me know what you think. The coop they were in did have a temporary “window” for more air flow during the day because it’s been so hot and the creature got to them before I closed it up for the night. That was the only place it could’ve came in. The holes were about 3x2 inch squares and the chicks were SHREDDED I mean the legs were ripped off, feathers everywhere, pieces of meat were left everywhere. There is no signs of the attack outside the coop. I’m in Kentucky.

Also the window thing could’ve easily fell if something struggled to fit through it so I’m thinking it had to be small enough to fit through the 3x2 squares.

Mink? Weasels? Possums? Maybe raccoon? Idk let me know what you think.
I do plan on setting several live traps out tomorrow morning and hopefully catch whatever it was.
After dark I went out to do my last check and found that a predator had gotten in and killed 6 of my chicks. The chicks were about 8–10 weeks old. Im not sure exactly what got them though so please let me know what you think. The coop they were in did have a temporary “window” for more air flow during the day because it’s been so hot and the creature got to them before I closed it up for the night. That was the only place it could’ve came in. The holes were about 3x2 inch squares and the chicks were SHREDDED I mean the legs were ripped off, feathers everywhere, pieces of meat were left everywhere. There is no signs of the attack outside the coop. I’m in Kentucky.

Also the window thing could’ve easily fell if something struggled to fit through it so I’m thinking it had to be small enough to fit through the 3x2 squares.

Mink? Weasels? Possums? Maybe raccoon? Idk let me know what you think.
I do plan on setting several live traps out tomorrow morning and hopefully catch whatever it was.
It may be a cat or a raccoon... though I'm not very familiar with weasels so it may be one of those. We lined our entire coop with hardware cloth- including the floor and placed bricks atop. That's kept any and all predators out for us. I'm so sorry about your chicks :(
After dark I went out to do my last check and found that a predator had gotten in and killed 6 of my chicks. The chicks were about 8–10 weeks old. Im not sure exactly what got them though so please let me know what you think. The coop they were in did have a temporary “window” for more air flow during the day because it’s been so hot and the creature got to them before I closed it up for the night. That was the only place it could’ve came in. The holes were about 3x2 inch squares and the chicks were SHREDDED I mean the legs were ripped off, feathers everywhere, pieces of meat were left everywhere. There is no signs of the attack outside the coop. I’m in Kentucky.

Also the window thing could’ve easily fell if something struggled to fit through it so I’m thinking it had to be small enough to fit through the 3x2 squares.

Mink? Weasels? Possums? Maybe raccoon? Idk let me know what you think.
I do plan on setting several live traps out tomorrow morning and hopefully catch whatever it was.
It definitely could be a weasel...I have watched them even squeeze through chicken wire so 3 X 2 squares would allow them to get in. Or perhaps a raccoon reached in and grabbed your chicks.
So sorry that happend. Sounds like the work of a mink or racoon.
Your coop should not have ANY openings bigger than a hot dog. And make sure you get the coop closed as close to dark or before as possible. Even a couple of mins after dark is enough time for something to go in.
Also, you have take extra extra precautions with Littles. They are irresistible chicken nuggets for everything.
After dark I went out to do my last check and found that a predator had gotten in and killed 6 of my chicks. The chicks were about 8–10 weeks old. Im not sure exactly what got them though so please let me know what you think. The coop they were in did have a temporary “window” for more air flow during the day because it’s been so hot and the creature got to them before I closed it up for the night. That was the only place it could’ve came in. The holes were about 3x2 inch squares and the chicks were SHREDDED I mean the legs were ripped off, feathers everywhere, pieces of meat were left everywhere. There is no signs of the attack outside the coop. I’m in Kentucky.

Also the window thing could’ve easily fell if something struggled to fit through it so I’m thinking it had to be small enough to fit through the 3x2 squares.

Mink? Weasels? Possums? Maybe raccoon? Idk let me know what you think.
I do plan on setting several live traps out tomorrow morning and hopefully catch whatever it was.
I would guess a mink or weasel had killed your chicks. Possums dont really go after chicks and raccoons just rip the heads off and leave the body.
I have a question, did the attackers eat the guts? Why I ask is because Rats will eat the guts most often. Are there any holes around the area? when rats move in they will sometimes take over chip monk holes? start looking for any evidence they may have left behind, like holes in the ground scat or chewing signs. Good luck.
It may be a cat or a raccoon... though I'm not very familiar with weasels so it may be one of those. We lined our entire coop with hardware cloth- including the floor and placed bricks atop. That's kept any and all predators out for us. I'm so sorry about your chicks :(
It was in fact a cat. An older kitten actually. I caught it this morning in a live trap. Going to see if the shelter will take it. Any other predators would’ve found its way in a hole but this poor cat is just skin and bones and a baby
After dark I went out to do my last check and found that a predator had gotten in and killed 6 of my chicks. The chicks were about 8–10 weeks old. Im not sure exactly what got them though so please let me know what you think. The coop they were in did have a temporary “window” for more air flow during the day because it’s been so hot and the creature got to them before I closed it up for the night. That was the only place it could’ve came in. The holes were about 3x2 inch squares and the chicks were SHREDDED I mean the legs were ripped off, feathers everywhere, pieces of meat were left everywhere. There is no signs of the attack outside the coop. I’m in Kentucky.

Also the window thing could’ve easily fell if something struggled to fit through it so I’m thinking it had to be small enough to fit through the 3x2 squares.

Mink? Weasels? Possums? Maybe raccoon? Idk let me know what you think.
I do plan on setting several live traps out tomorrow morning and hopefully catch whatever it was.
Virtually anything smaller than a coyote, bobcat, or medium-sized dog can get through an opening like that. Weasels and rats can squeeze through openings as small as 1". That's why everyone swears by 1/2" grid hardware cloth.

Don't assume it was just the cat. One year I had raccoons, opossums, and rats killing my chickens. It's not so much they cooperate, it's just the way the door was hung on my old coop all sorts of things could get in there. They left a mess like you're describing as one or more species would do the initial kill and the rest went scavenging through the remains.
After dark I went out to do my last check and found that a predator had gotten in and killed 6 of my chicks. The chicks were about 8–10 weeks old. Im not sure exactly what got them though so please let me know what you think. The coop they were in did have a temporary “window” for more air flow during the day because it’s been so hot and the creature got to them before I closed it up for the night. That was the only place it could’ve came in. The holes were about 3x2 inch squares and the chicks were SHREDDED I mean the legs were ripped off, feathers everywhere, pieces of meat were left everywhere. There is no signs of the attack outside the coop. I’m in Kentucky.

Also the window thing could’ve easily fell if something struggled to fit through it so I’m thinking it had to be small enough to fit through the 3x2 squares.

Mink? Weasels? Possums? Maybe raccoon? Idk let me know what you think.
I do plan on setting several live traps out tomorrow morning and hopefully catch whatever it was.
Definitely sounds like weasels to me. I'm so sorry for your babies! Hardware cloth over every opening is my rule here. I've lost a few to these tiny but ferocious predators. And believe it or not, rats are also vicious little killers. I'm so sorry!

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