A neighbors dog came in and attacked my flock this morning. She carried off a hen, which i got back. But my roo is gone, his frsthers scattered around my yard. He might be hiding, but i have looked everywhere. Any advice on how to look for him? He is very devoted to his flock, and i am very fond...
I apologize for my late reply! Its been hectic lately and just now checked this website. She is doing great! I put her fully with the flock 2 days ago, and so far all.is well. I was worried because i tried a few times to let her back in with them, and she ran around attacking them all. I figured...
I should have added that the pic of your hen was helpful, thank you! Glad to hear she recovered. I'll definitely check out the links you sent. I know very little about wound care, healing rates, etc.
That is good to know! It does seem slow, but im glad she is healing and it should speed up at some point. Hadnt thought about healing from the inside out, but makes sense, especially when i compare to the first pic. Thank you!
Thank you for your response, and the encou
Thank you for your response, and the encouragement! I will wait longer since its still pretty open. I do have a small coop she could stay in within the larger chicken yard. And i could just let her around them highly supervised for about 30 minutes a...
My hen seems to be getting better, is eating, drinking, and walking a bit. She wants to be with her flock and sleep with them. Her wounds seem to be healing slowly.. should there be more improvement by this time? I'm going to attach a picture.
I actually used to have a pet fence. I just need to find it, lol. Our house is so small i dont have a spare room. But i could probably put her in a kitchen nook, i'll just need to move some furniture around. I would think if she is going to be able to heal, it would be around 2 weeks. She just...
I do, but she can easily hop out. I have a box set on its side in our garage, which she crawls into at night. But i think maybe she would be happier inside where she isnt so isolated.
Will do, thanks so much for your reply. She is staying in our garage. Do you think i should move her inside so she isnt alone? We dont have a cage so not sure how i would keep her contained though.
My understanding is it can be used both ways. I left it on, at first. And last night gave her a bath, she seems to be feeling better. Only thing is she is just eating mealworms and drinking water..but not regular feed.
I'll lay off the h2o2, just wanted to flush the wound at first. Have plenty of saline washes and also the antibiotic ointment. Thank you for your response!
Yes, i think so too! If she lets me get close, i might apply more chlorohexidine, put her in the small coop outside, then bring her inside tonight to bathe her, then blow her dry. She has some wounds under her wings that i need to get to. Thank you for your reply!
My hen was attacked by a large neighborhood dog on Saturday. She is still alive and able to walk around. I bathed her wounds with hydrogen peroxide spray, then applied chlorohexidine, then iodine. I have her in our garage, and she is eating and drinking water (just her favorite treats, scrambled...
Thank you! I have just heard of so many good interactions between roos and their owners where this happens. But it does seem to be escalating a bit so i wont let him. I was hoping it was him trying to gain a friendship of sorts (yes i realize hoe ridiculous that sounds) but seems like he might...
Thank you, all good points! I immediately blocked him each time he flew at my head/face, just out of reflex. Not sure why he is still trying, but the other day, i quickly picked him up before he could run off and he seems to be keeping his distance. I hadnt thought of allowing him to fly onto my...
Yep, and by my favorite hen, who i still adore. She was young and curious, and i foolishly got right in her face. She is one of my sweetest hens, and I dont hold it against her; )
My bantam roo (@4 yo), alternates between attacks and then seemingly friendly behavior. He flies up on my arm when i stretch it out, but also sometimes jumps on my back and tries to peck the back of my neck. For the most part he tolerates my presence around the hens. Sometimes he just hops on...