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  1. L

    Turkey with chickens , ok?

    We had a family member let their turkey come up to visit, she liked the chickens home, and has stayed 3 nights. Anything I should know about 1 female turkey with 12 female chickens.
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    Eye problem, ongoing for months.

    Here is another pic. I am on the 2nd tube of tetramyacin, and I use an eye wash too occasionally. Shes such a nice hen, wish I could help her.
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    Eye problem, ongoing for months.

    I have a 11 month hen that has sight only in 1 eye. Just wonder what the issue is, can anyone help? It has been this way for months, maybe since day 1. She was the smallest hen hatched.
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    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    I just got rid of an adult rooster. This astrolorp rooster was one year old and very agressive toward humans, and was ruining our hens. So. DO not think I want another rooster, had too many attack scares.
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    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    Run is large enough for many more hens. Outside of run is another play area , fenced on nice days too. They got room.
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    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    Also have another question, I am new to these forums so hope I am posting correctly. I have one 7 month old that was born needing lots of attention to keep going, was very frail, and now is doing great, but very timid being the weakest of 12 hens. My question is can anyone tell me what may be...
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    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    They mostly get on top of the younger ones, but have seen them go after the older ones too. They are certainly fed well enough, they are spoiled rotten!
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    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    They act like roosters, getting on top and holding them down till they squeal and many of the others gather around to watch. We have 5 RIR, and 7 Astrolorps. 5 RIR are a year old. 3 Astro a year old. 4 Astro 7 months old. 12 total in big coop, large run area, with outside playpen area. FREE...
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    Rhode Island Red vs Astrolorp

    Our Rhode Island Reds are bullying our Astrolorps. Wondering if anyone else has seen them as agressive.?
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    Hen attacks me while I hold another hen

    Thank you kindly, we are going to add this bar today. Hope it helps, hate seeing the younger hens get beaten up. One of our younger hens is very timid, cross Astrolorp / Rhode Island Red. She hangs out in the corner alone when other hens are around. Also, we live where it gets cold in...
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    Hen attacks me while I hold another hen

    Thank you for your reply. Next question... We have 2 roosting bars in coop that the 8 older hens are use to using, we notice none of the newer hens we added 8 days ago are allowed on the existing bars, even though theres plenty of room. We were thinking we would add another new bar in hopes...
  12. L

    Hen attacks me while I hold another hen

    I have 4 hens 6 month old that I just merged with 8 11 month old hens, Rhode Island Reds and Astrolorp, the 6 month old hens love to be held and cuddled, they peck my shoes until I pick them up. But I have one Rhode Island red that jumps on them and holds them down, looks like an attack. Should...
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