Hen attacks me while I hold another hen

I have had a similar thing happening with my hens. Whenever I put one down this one chicken will attack which ever one I was holding. She does not attack me, just the other hen when I put it down. Any suggestions on this behavior?
Have had this happen several times, mostly with hand fed chicks often as they come of age and get spunky. It's pretty easily curbed with calm and deliberate determination.

I peck them back, on the head or anywhere I can reach, with the tips of thumb and first 2 fingers, as hard and fast as many times as I can before they get away. Well, not hard enough to hurt them, just startle them and let them you mean business. That's what another chicken would do, so they understand that kind of communication.

If that doesn't work after a couple applications, I hold them down to the ground with my hand on their back until they submit....again firmly enough to get the job done but not hurt them....add a few finger pecks and/or tug on the feathers on the back of their neck.
I have a dominant hen that is usually fairly tranquil. However when I did not have a rooster for a few months she completely changed personality - like overshooting while playing at being a Rooster (she was acting like a Rooster!!). Once I had a rooster back in the flock she reverted to being Miss Quiet But Occasionally Stroppy.
My hand fed chicks have not been like this weirdo:love, not even my cockerels.
Could OP's hen be playing rooster?
Ol Grey Mare is right on the money - it's all about protecting the other birds. I know a lot of people like to hold their birds, and I'm sure there are exceptions, but I've never held a bird yet that liked being held. They'll jump up on my shoulders, etc. looking for food sometimes when I'm working in their area but they never like it when I restrain them to check them over for health and measurements. The cock birds get upset whenever I pick up a pullet/hen also but I never tolerate cockiness so they keep their distance, and that's the way I like it.
When my boys do the power play with me I show them I am boss. My bantam is the the main one I just reach down and snatch him up and hold him and pet him and ruffle his feathers lol. When I put him back down I swear he is cussing me
I have 4 hens 6 month old that I just merged with 8
11 month old hens, Rhode Island Reds and Astrolorp, the 6 month old hens love to be held and cuddled, they peck my shoes until I pick them up.
But I have one Rhode Island red that jumps on them and holds them down, looks like an attack.
Should I seperate her in her own cage a while, or will it make matters worse?
All I know is Chickens need a lot of space to run away and in the chicken world, they are establishing their pecking order. Keep an eye on them to make sure noone is getting bloodied or pulling out feathers. Its hard being a chicken! I dont know if its true but i read that if you mess with hens while establishing the pecking order they have to start all over!? Good Luck! 🐔 :love
Thank you for your reply.

Next question...
We have 2 roosting bars in coop that the 8 older hens are use to using, we notice none of the newer hens we added 8 days ago are allowed on the existing bars, even though theres plenty of room.
We were thinking we would add another new bar in hopes the newly added hens would use that one.

newer hens we added 8 days ago are NOT allowed on the existing bars, even though theres plenty of room.
I think you missed a word in your post, I added it above.

We were thinking we would add another new bar in hopes the newly added hens would use that one.
Yes, should be a bit lower and out of reach of the older birds roost.
I think you missed a word in your post, I added it above.

Yes, should be a bit lower and out of reach of the older birds roost.
Thank you kindly, we are going to add this bar today. Hope it helps, hate seeing the younger hens get beaten up.
One of our younger hens is very timid, cross Astrolorp / Rhode Island Red.
She hangs out in the corner alone when other hens are around. Also, we live where it gets cold in winter, 20-35 temp range. What hen would get along well with Astrolorp and Rhode Island Reds?
Our RIR hens can be rough at times.
I have 4 hens 6 month old that I just merged with 8
11 month old hens, Rhode Island Reds and Astrolorp, the 6 month old hens love to be held and cuddled, they peck my shoes until I pick them up.
But I have one Rhode Island red that jumps on them and holds them down, looks like an attack.
Should I seperate her in her own cage a while, or will it make matters worse?
I agree with Aart, breed does not matter. Size doesn't mean much either, maturity does.

Until my pullets reach a certain maturity (usually about the time they start laying eggs) they form a sub-flock, trying to keep a distance between themselves and the mature hens. Otherwise they are liable to get pecked if they invade the personal space of the older hens. There can be exceptions to this, nothing is written in stone on chickens' behaviors. There could be some of this going on. Or she could be telling them that she is the dominant hen and they need to respect her. You are just that big thing that brings food. The social interactions and standings in a flock can be pretty complex. They are going to depend on the relative maturities, how much room they have, flock make-up, and the personalities of the individual chickens.

I don't see a lot of danger to the younger ones as long as all she is doing is holding them down. She's just showing them she is dominant. The danger is if she pecks them, especially on the head, as if she were trying to drill a hole into the brain. That's how they kill each other. If you see her pecking at the younger one I'd immediately isolate the older one for a few days to try to knock her down in the pecking order and adjust her attitude. This does not always work but sometimes it does.

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