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  1. D

    Hi Marsha, that sounds like a stubborn kernel have you tried coach723's sugardine method ?

    Hi Marsha, that sounds like a stubborn kernel have you tried coach723's sugardine method ?
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    How to discourage rodents without poison

    True, but it was the chicken that was feeding was knocked off the bar before she could get her head out. Yeah I have seen "high end" feeders with guillotine burs (so much for turning their blade when it is blunt) and all sorts of oversights that just let the product down over all. It is almost...
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    How to discourage rodents without poison

    You don't have to hang it very high, just high enough that a rats rear feet wont be able to touch the ground trying to reach into it. You would have to see one in person to see how much thought has gone into the design, if a rat tried to eat from the open port without its feet on the ground it...
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    How to discourage rodents without poison

    Nope to get that sticker it has to be made here mate, if it is not 100% Aussie it is a different sticker stating the % of Aussie content. They hang up and the way they are designed a rat would have a hard time getting into it climbing or chewing. Knock on wood I have been using them for 5 years...
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    How to discourage rodents without poison

    Al what does the green triangle with the gold kangaroo sticker on it mean mate ?
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    How to discourage rodents without poison

    I agree with the stop feeding them, these feeders were a great investment for me: Along with locking the spare bags of feed away in a lockable wheelie bin with a waterproof cover... until someone went and planted pumpkins near the coop (rats and mice love pumpkin) so some pet proof traps and...
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    Pelletising Grass ??

    Thanks for your feedback. :) if poultry keepers were concerned about saving $$ they would be buying their chicken meat and eggs from the supermarket wouldn't they? I think it is more about how to give your birds the best life that is within your budget with this hobby. But the small setups...
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    Pelletising Grass ??

    Hi, after reading that pasture ryegrass is high in nutritional value for poultry and fast growing enough to tolerate them I decided to seed an area of Perennial Pasture Ryegrass (PPR) to give it a try. While my patch is not mature enough to run birds on yet, it is mature enough to mow and feed...
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    Langshan Cross Langshan

    While it is not the information that I am chasing I have come across this page: which talks about crossing 'Bradshaw Whites' with UK strains. The origin page: also mentions a rare buff Langshan. In...
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    Can a fox jump through a fence that has 4 foot hardware cloth lining it?

    They are usually very cunning and very persistent, they will make multiple attempts to achieve their goals, some will even hide their digging so that they can come back to it. We don't have grey foxes here but according to the internet the main difference between red and grey fox's apart from...
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    Can a fox jump through a fence that has 4 foot hardware cloth lining it?

    🙂 yep it is not just us that likes to eat chicken. You maybe able to scrounge other materials or there maybe someone online trying to offload things that can be useful to make it more secure. There are also video's online showing how the commercial chicken and turkey farmers make the best use...
  12. D

    Are chicken collars good?

    If something gets in then none of them have any hope unless they can get out the way the predator got in, it doesn't matter if they are high or low. The only fix to that is to make sure your coop is secure and constantly check for weak areas that need attention. Your brown hen does she get...
  13. D

    Are chicken collars good?

    If you coop is secure as fort knox like it sounds then you should have no issues with lowering your perch's. It looks like the solution is adjusting your perch's and a bit of retraining if needed. It should make your life easier too if you don't have to run after screaming hens.
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    Can a fox jump through a fence that has 4 foot hardware cloth lining it?

    Ohh rodent mesh, yeah they don't care that that is there, it is just a chew toy for them. There are a few pictures and video's out of the UK showing foxes with bleeding mouths trying to chew through 1/4" wire. There is also the outback method of using old corrugated iron around the bottom of...
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    Can a fox jump through a fence that has 4 foot hardware cloth lining it?

    Is hw cloth strong? I am talking about the stuff that you have to cut with a grinder or bolt cutters.
  16. D

    Can a fox jump through a fence that has 4 foot hardware cloth lining it?

    It depends on how well you have secured it, if you can push through it then they will find a way to push through it. I would be more worried about them chewing through it though, it is recommended to use something with small holes so that they cannot get their teeth around it. Most fox fences...
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    arsenic and cancer causing ingredients in chicken feed

    Yep but the zinc used in the galvanizing process usually has cadmium and other elements added to it, it is why you should not weld it without breathing equipment and a ventilation extractor.
  18. D

    arsenic and cancer causing ingredients in chicken feed

    I love that statement because it is so true 😂
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