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  1. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    Well, everything takes time to perfect. That is how the best of the best is created, right? As they say, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Time and dedication are what separates the people who master things from the rest. And thank you for all the helpful information, as well as the kind...
  2. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    I never even knew about a black silver (I am new, so still learning of all the different breeds) those look amazing as well! Another breed I found out about recently that has captured my attention is the double-laced Barnevelder. The markings on them are stunning as well. It looks like their...
  3. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    Wow those are amazing. Now those are some beautiful copper hackles. Gorgeous birds. Mine definitely doesn't have that hue to the feathering. More gold. So probably not as true-to-lineage as I had hoped on my end... I still love 'em though!
  4. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    That most definitely makes sense. That seems to be happening in many industries today. Many focus too much on quantity over quality in today's day and age. I definitely lean the other way in that regard. Quality trumps quantity hands down. It keeps the origins of things intact and true to...
  5. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    Thank you for the kind welcome. I will definitely be coming back, as this is a new and wonderful experience getting to raise my own chickens. That is pretty cool that we have similar-looking Ameraucanas. When I first got her, she was almost completely white. Almost didn't believe she was a...
  6. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    Thank you for the compliment as well as the welcome!
  7. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    :celebrateAwesome! Thank you all for the assistance! Glad to be a new part of the community as well!
  8. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    SWEET!!:wee I have been curious the entire time, because she was the largest of the group when initially purchased. I am also semi-curious about the BCM with the beautiful gold hackle feathers, as the pictures I have seen of pullets don't seem to have that amazing coloring. I am however leaning...
  9. N

    To Roo or Not to Roo?🫠

    Good day all, I am new to raising my own chickens, and am having trouble figuring out whether I have an Ameraucana Roo or not. I have tried to do my own extensive searching prior to asking, but am having trouble finding clear and definite differences in pictures between roos and pullets when it...
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