To Roo or Not to Roo?đź« 

Welcome!!! This site has been my go to for years and I’m sure you’ll see that in no time!!! Also, I have Amerucana hen almost identical to your girl!!! And the BCM I’m gonna say girl too!!! All in all a lovely starter flock!
Welcome!!! This site has been my go to for years and I’m sure you’ll see that in no time!!! Also, I have Amerucana hen almost identical to your girl!!! And the BCM I’m gonna say girl too!!! All in all a lovely starter flock!
Thank you for the kind welcome. I will definitely be coming back, as this is a new and wonderful experience getting to raise my own chickens. That is pretty cool that we have similar-looking Ameraucanas. When I first got her, she was almost completely white. Almost didn't believe she was a splash. Now that she is getting a bit older, the color just keeps intensifying with more and more showing as time passes. She is looking amazing.

The BCM had me wondering specifically because of the beautiful and intense gold hackle coloration. Also, she had a larger comb from the start compared to the rest. Most pictures I see of female BCMs though seem to be predominantly black with the iridescent sheen, like my other BCM shown in the pictures. It definitely had me second guessing her.

And overall, thank you for the kind compliments in regards to my first flock. I tried to diversify them to get the different egg colors for the kids. Still planning to expand my flock. Just looking for some other specific birds (to diversify the egg colors more) that aren't readily available near my area. I am looking to add some olive eggers to the bunch most definitely, and I seem to be leaning towards the Wyandotte breed as well, as they have such beautiful patterns and coloration. Gorgeous birds most definitely.

Thank you again for the kind words, as well as the assistance! Look forward to speaking with everyone more!
The BCM had me wondering specifically because of the beautiful and intense gold hackle coloration. Also, she had a larger comb from the start compared to the rest. Most pictures I see of female BCMs though seem to be predominantly black with the iridescent sheen, like my other BCM shown in the pictures. It definitely had me second guessing her.
Speaking about the BCMs alot of it falls on balancing the color in your breeding program.

For instance, I have mostly black hens with little to no copper in the hackles but my rooster is over colored in the chest which produces correct full colored hackles in the pullets. I think alot of this balance in breeding specifics fell by the way side to just mass breeding by hatcheries to produce more BCMs to sell and not be more true to the Standard like individual breeders are.
For a visual...
My roo is over colored in the chest.

And when mated to my all black hen.....

Produced full hackle progeny...

Speaking about the BCMs alot of it falls on balancing the color in your breeding program.

For instance, I have mostly black hens with little to no copper in the hackles but my rooster is over colored in the chest which produces correct full colored hackles in the pullets. I think alot of this balance in breeding specifics fell by the way side to just mass breeding by hatcheries to produce more BCMs to sell and not be more true to the Standard like individual breeders are.
That most definitely makes sense. That seems to be happening in many industries today. Many focus too much on quantity over quality in today's day and age.

I definitely lean the other way in that regard. Quality trumps quantity hands down. It keeps the origins of things intact and true to expectations.

Now to see if I am lucky enough to get some deep chocolate egg coloring. Fingers crossed. They look stunning.

Would also love to get some layers of the copper-colored eggs I have seen as well. That would be awesome. I am just unsure of what other breeds may possibly lay that coloration (I know it varies from bird to bird, and nothing can be guaranteed). The only one I see that seems more consistent with that egg coloring leans towards the Wheaten Maran.

Looking to add as many colors as possible to the prize pool these beautiful birds can provide!
That most definitely makes sense. That seems to be happening in many industries today. Many focus too much on quantity over quality in today's day and age.

I definitely lean the other way in that regard. Quality trumps quantity hands down. It keeps the origins of things intact and true to expectations.

Now to see if I am lucky enough to get some deep chocolate egg coloring. Fingers crossed. They look stunning.

Would also love to get some layers of the copper-colored eggs I have seen as well. That would be awesome. I am just unsure of what other breeds may possibly lay that coloration (I know it varies from bird to bird, and nothing can be guaranteed). The only one I see that seems more consistent with that egg coloring leans towards the Wheaten Maran.

Looking to add as many colors as possible to the prize pool these beautiful birds can provide!
My focus is my Black Coppers but I've added Black Silvers this year to get obsessed over...

It's been a fun journey working towards the French Standard and getting darker eggs for sure.
Wow those are amazing. Now those are some beautiful copper hackles. Gorgeous birds. Mine definitely doesn't have that hue to the feathering. More gold. So probably not as true-to-lineage as I had hoped on my end... I still love 'em though!
Thanks... They have their faults and a work in progress but I got lucky with Kong's coloring being nice.

Both your girls are gorgeous and hopefully they lay some dark eggs for you. 🙂

The one with full hackles is a little gold but if you decide you want to hatch more BCMs, look for a correctly colored male with very little to no copper leakage in the chest and you should be able to fix her color. Balance...đź‘Ť
My focus is my Black Coppers but I've added Black Silvers this year to get obsessed over...

It's been a fun journey working towards the French Standard and getting darker eggs for sure.
I never even knew about a black silver (I am new, so still learning of all the different breeds) those look amazing as well!

Another breed I found out about recently that has captured my attention is the double-laced Barnevelder. The markings on them are stunning as well. It looks like their feathers were pinstriped by an artist. So many to choose from, yet only so much space. Which to choose makes the decision difficult for me.
Thanks... They have their faults and a work in progress but I got lucky with Kong's coloring being nice.

Both your girls are gorgeous and hopefully they lay some dark eggs for you. 🙂

The one with full hackles is a little gold but if you decide you want to hatch more BCMs, look for a correctly colored male with very little to no copper leakage in the chest and you should be able to fix her color. Balance...đź‘Ť
Well, everything takes time to perfect. That is how the best of the best is created, right? As they say, if it was easy, everyone would do it. Time and dedication are what separates the people who master things from the rest.

And thank you for all the helpful information, as well as the kind words. I am hoping I have lucked out. I won't be mad if they don't come out with a dark hue. It's my first time, and the main thing I am hoping for is some delicious and healthy eggs! That is the main win for me. No more store-bought eggs that they keep spiking the prices on. No more questioning what my children and I are ingesting into our bodies.

Thank you again for your time, and I look forward to speaking with you again!

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