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  • Users: Tookie
  • With Urates Bum thread
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  1. Tookie

    Urates Bum

    How's your hen doing?
  2. Tookie

    Urates Bum

    Your welcome! I'm glad she's better! Still keep a close eye on her, she could start acting lethargic even if she seems better now, you never know. You did a great job on taking care of her!
  3. Tookie

    Urates Bum

    How is she doing now?
  4. Tookie

    Urates Bum

    Good to hear she's doing better! Not sure if the treatment worked that quickly, but It could have!
  5. Tookie

    Urates Bum

    How's your hen doing?
  6. Tookie

    Urates Bum

    Sorry to hear she's not doing well. Hopefully she gets better!
  7. Tookie

    Urates Bum
  8. Tookie

    Urates Bum

    Looks like vent gleet to me.
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