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  1. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    For anyone who reads this thread in the future... The hen recovered! She acted much more herself after two days, and was returned to the flock at that time. The flock was treated for corid on the 5-day schedule, no drench.
  2. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    She loves the scrambled egg, and I floated it in medicated water. I have not been able to give her a drench, can't hold her still enough (I'm solo animal caring until middle of the week). Hen is doing better today! She is now walking around normally and fussing. I'm continuing flock...
  3. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    Thanks. Mine is a meek bird too. I started corid for the whole flock yesterday and I have the sick bird isolated in a separate cage. She was moving around a little more this morning and more willing to stand upright, but definitely not well. Fingers crossed! She does not seem to be eating...
  4. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    Learning a lot about it today! I did check some videos on feeling the crop. Thanks everyone for your advice so far!
  5. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    I haven't felt her crop before (newbie here!) - she just ate, so I think I found it, and it's firm. A little higher up than I was expecting, too...
  6. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    I cannot feel an egg (poop came out when I checked - no blood, maybe a couple pink specs) or any discharge. She's eating scrambled eggs not but still sitting all hunched and tense and not moving around.
  7. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    Not bobbing much, she's mostly just sitting in one spot now. Yes, I think she is pushing... She has that arch in her back like she's tucking her butt down, tail flicking a tiny bit.
  8. S

    Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

    Photo and video here: 1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Salmon faverole, 14 weeks 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She is spreading her wings slightly ("hulking") and crouching and tucking her butt under, barely moving...
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