Chicken crouching/not moving around - sudden change in behavior

I haven't felt her crop before (newbie here!) - she just ate, so I think I found it, and it's firm. A little higher up than I was expecting, too...
The crop is on her upper chest on her right side, it will bulge out as she eats and it fills with food during the day. It will empty at night and should be flat by the morning.

Azygous has given some good advice. You can get Corid at Tractor Supply or most other farm supply stores. Start there and if that doesn’t work, assess again. Coccidiosis can be really painful for chickens, resulting in an hunched up appearance sometimes.
Be sure you’ve checked her for mites and lice. Checked her back end for fly strike this time of year, too, if you haven’t already. Simple things first, not to be overlooked 🙂
I have nothing to offer as far as advice, just saw your sweet girl browsing through threads and wanted to send positive vibes and prayers🙏🏻✨🐤. I have a SF pullet who has special needs and I have a soft spot for these little babies🥰 Hope she gets better soon! This is my girl Tweetie 👇🏻
Post in thread 'What more can I do for my 3 week Sneezing Tweetie? Will this pass or is she in trouble🥺🐥'🥺🐥.1628395/post-27942683
Learn your chicken's anatomy.
Salmon faverolles tend to be meek and easily bullied. Mine were low in the pecking order. I would follow Azygous’ advice on treating with Corid for possible coccidiosis. Two tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder Corid for 5-7 days is the dosage. The drooping wings and walking low could also be a sign injury, of vitamin deficiency or even Mareks. Give no B vitamins during Corid treatment, but as soon as it is done, give human B complex tablet 1/2 tablet daily in a little cooked egg or wet feed, or just pop it into her beak daily. That can help with a riboflavin deficiency.
Salmon faverolles tend to be meek and easily bullied. Mine were low in the pecking order. I would follow Azygous’ advice on treating with Corid for possible coccidiosis. Two tsp of the liquid or 1.5 tsp of the powder Corid for 5-7 days is the dosage. The drooping wings and walking low could also be a sign injury, of vitamin deficiency or even Mareks. Give no B vitamins during Corid treatment, but as soon as it is done, give human B complex tablet 1/2 tablet daily in a little cooked egg or wet feed, or just pop it into her beak daily. That can help with a riboflavin deficiency.
Thanks. Mine is a meek bird too.

I started corid for the whole flock yesterday and I have the sick bird isolated in a separate cage. She was moving around a little more this morning and more willing to stand upright, but definitely not well. Fingers crossed! She does not seem to be eating regular feed, but she is alert.
She loves the scrambled egg, and I floated it in medicated water.

I have not been able to give her a drench, can't hold her still enough (I'm solo animal caring until middle of the week).

Hen is doing better today! She is now walking around normally and fussing. I'm continuing flock treatment and this seems to be working!

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