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  1. C

    Rooster or hen?

    So far it’s been good. No fighting or anything but as I’m typing they are having a crowing contest lol
  2. C

    Rooster or hen?

    Oh no, the Easter egger was supposed to be a hen for sure. Idk how it’ll be with 2 roosters and only 7 hens
  3. C

    Rooster or hen?

    Ok finally got pictures!
  4. C

    Rooster or hen?

    I’m trying to upload pictures but having trouble. As for age the maran is 19 weeks and the Easter egger 16
  5. C

    Rooster or hen?

    Hello everybody! First time posting on here and also I am a first time chicken owner. I have two hens. One of them is a French black copper Maran, which is the black one in the pictures and I have another hen that’s an Easter egg. Many people suspect that the black copper Moran is a rooster...
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