Rooster or hen?


Aug 20, 2024
Hello everybody! First time posting on here and also I am a first time chicken owner.

I have two hens. One of them is a French black copper Maran, which is the black one in the pictures and I have another hen that’s an Easter egg. Many people suspect that the black copper Moran is a rooster. Her waddle and combs are huge and she’s a big girl herself, but she does not act like a rooster at all, but I do hear her crow occasionally. But she doesn’t try to protect any of the other hens and when I pick her up, she screams like she’s terrified.

Now the Easter egger looks more like a rooster to me, but its one of my sweetest and calmest chickens so that makes it confusing for me and I did hear it crow one time.


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Pictures and age?
If they are fairly young and crowing though, then they are almost certainly cockerels
If they're older I'd need some pictures
Pictures and age?
If they are fairly young and crowing though, then they are almost certainly cockerels
If they're older I'd need some pictures
I’m trying to upload pictures but having trouble. As for age the maran is 19 weeks and the Easter egger 16
if they're that young and crowing then they are cockerels. Females *can* crow but it's not common and even less so in such young birds
Yeah, those are 100% cockerels. Aside from the huge comb on the one, they both have long pointy saddle feathers which only males have
Oh no, the Easter egger was supposed to be a hen for sure. Idk how it’ll be with 2 roosters and only 7 hens
Oh no, the Easter egger was supposed to be a hen for sure. Idk how it’ll be with 2 roosters and only 7 hens
You have a few options.
1. Keep them both and hope everything goes well. It is possible you won't have issues but that truly is very few females for 2 males
2. Rehome 1 of them. Pick who has the best temperment and traits and keep him
3. If you can't rehome or one is mean, cull and make soup or something
4. If you're able get a few more hens with the awareness that one or neither of them will work out to be cockerels you want to keep

In any case keep both for as long as possible to get a good gauge of their temperments. You won't know for sure what their true temperments will be until they're about a year to a year and a half old

Good luck!

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