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  1. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    I got Zimecterin Gold. I ended up doing the x 20 dose, so I had to skip 5 of the 18 birds. Would the x 10 dose have worked?
  2. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Awesome! Thank you so much!
  3. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Ok, just finished treating! Unfortunately, I couldn't treat 5 birds because I ran out, but I treated everyone who I suspected, and as many as I had wormer for ✅ Thank you again for everyone's help! You are all a blessing! ❤ Is it ok that I treated them at night and they can't get any water to...
  4. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Ok, I definitely understand that. It's just when I read that they can be dosed at 10-20 times the dose, I figured it's a range (that works at either end of the spectrum).
  5. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Also, technically I have just under the amount I need to treat all 18 birds, so I was thinking a lesser dose would better cover the amount of birds that need it.
  6. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Ok. I was thinking because I read somewhere in all the posts here that it was 10-20 times the dose. So I was under the impression that 20 times was the highest amount and that 10 times was the lower dose yet still effective.
  7. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Ok, thank you for clarifying that! Ok, would it be as effective if I do the treatment at the half dose... which is the 10 vs the 20? So, .30 ml vs .60 ml to a 5 lb chicken?
  8. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    I see this... can I do the .30 ml per 5 lbs? Is this really correct? That's still 625 lbs worth of horse weight to 67 lbs of birds.
  9. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    I'm just double checking. My husband is super thrown off by the fact that the product treats a 1250 lb horse and that the dose is being divided up between 18 chickens. Is this correct? After drawing up .60 ml of paste for my 5 lb rooster, he stopped and said I should double check. The whole tube...
  10. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Ok, I divided .59 by 5 and got 0.118, and divided .94 by 8 and got 0.1175. So I see that I likely need 0.12 ml per pound of bird. So I'll use that as my track to go by. I was actually worried about under dosing because technically I need more than the tube has. The reason I was asking about...
  11. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Oh, and another question! Sorry... Can the eggs from the dewormed chickens still be incubated during the treatment period? Or is that possibly where Equimax might come in?
  12. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    I just realized I missed a bird, she was 4 lbs. 🤦‍♀️ Plus I rewent over my numbers. One more question... if the paste is a little shy of what I need, should it still work? So 67.4÷2.2×20÷77.5=7.91, with 7.35g in a tube.
  13. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Lol, awesome! 👍 I was wondering that too! If you had the choice of using Equimax over Zimecterin Gold, would you? Because I'm going to my feed bin today, and can get the Equimax. Also, is the dosage the exact same with either product? And on Casportpony's answer, how do I get this dosage...
  14. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Thank you so much! I really appreciate all your help! And everyone's help here! May I ask, on the egg withdrawal, can I feed the eggs to my dog... or would that be a problem if they ever got tapeworm and I needed to treat them. Would it make the dogs worms immuned to the dewormer?
  15. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Hi again, am I supposed to dose them 2 times (10 days apart), or just one dose? Also, I bought Zimecterin Gold, it was what they had at my veterinary supply store. They didn't have Equimax. I Googled, and saw the difference in the dosing amount, and also that Equimax is safe for nursing moms...
  16. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Is Equimax equine paste a form of ivermectin?
  17. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Great! Thank you so much! 🙏💝
  18. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Does Equimax Equine have an egg withdrawal period? Also, what if I'm not positive which bird it was? I have 74 chickens (and roosters) total. 18 are in the coop that I saw the worms. 53 are in my other coop, and 3 free roam fully. And all 74 free roam the yard daily (separately) in the same...
  19. Saraschickens

    Tape worms, I Believe?

    Hi, I just saw this yesterday. I took a lot of pictures so you can see how they moved and changed shape, for better identification. I'm hoping someone could recommend a product that has no egg withdrawal, if possible. Is Praziquantel an option? Thank you in advance for anyone's help with this. 🙏
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