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  1. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Here's a recent picture of my big birdies. The one in the middle crows, and it's SO STINKIN' CUTE!
  2. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hello! :frow I made it to the new site! So far I rather like it. I got 12 new peeps! :ya (10 black, 2 silver) Some are bantams, some are just small I guess, perhaps part bantam. They are all smaller than the last batch, and most hatched a day early. Hatch day is today, 5/15. Still waiting on 2...
  3. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Quote: Never heard of that, looks effective though, thanks. We put tie down straps and spotlights on them, they aren't going anywhere easily now, and we'll be able to see if something happens. We are making plans for an electric fence around the whole property - or at least the back yard.
  4. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Cheeks at 7 weeks. We had a dog attack, chicks got out of the run and we lost 7 of ten. We only have Cheeks, Boots, and the one with three foot feathers I now call Roo. It was our fault - we didn't fortify the run enough and they were getting out. Fixed it. Lesson learned. They are ten weeks...
  5. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    A quick update, if anyone was wondering: These are my little peeps at 4 weeks, minus the EE. They are a couple days shy of 6 weeks now. One of the feather-footed ones is mostly dark, and larger (it's actually the one between the barred ones in the photo). The other is smaller, and looks like...
  6. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks! And also, thanks, I didn't know that. I saw people do it on a yt video, and thought I'd try.
  7. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I promised pics. I did wing sexing, and there are only 2 boys, both the BSL. Enjoy the cuteness! One of the 5 look-alikes. I saw in another thread they are likely a RIR X BR Fluffy Feets! 2 of these. Group photo! 3 yellows, one Brahma there with the silver back, and the EE in the front...
  8. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It's from an Omaha Steaks shipping cooler box thing, maybe 18" X 18" X 24" give or take (outside dimensions). It was not that hard to make, but it took a while and a lot of tweaking to get it right. It helps that my bf went to school to be an electrician, he knows what he's doing with wires. I...
  9. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    They are all fluffed up now, but still very pale yellow. I'm thinking they are rir x but with what? I thought puffy cheeks and fluffy feet were dominant traits. I could be wrong tho, tbh I usually am. I'll have to look into what comets are then, ty. Edit: comets are rir x white leghorn? WL was...
  10. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Shown still in the bator, there is two to go in the top photo and the last one out is featured in the bottom photo. If I can, I'll get some brooder pics tomorrow, when the light is good.
  11. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    These are the ones we hatched. I was kind of hoping someone might know the mix. They don't have beards and they don't have fluffy feet, but they aren't black, and definitely not pure RIR.. So I'm just confused. I agree the black ones are probably male black sex links - white spot on head...
  12. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I've got babies! I got 2 brahma, 1 EE, 2 barred rocks, and 5 i-don't-know-whats. They are pale yellow with small black dots - one on the head, each wing, and either side of the tail. The list given was Brahma, Ameraucana (was def EE tho), RIR, and Barred Rock. Any ideas? Also, with the warm...
  13. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    There should be like an Uber for chicken/chick/egg shipping. Several people per state just go and pick up eggs from one farm and drop them at another. Maybe they could have territories, and if a drop-off location is in a different territory, they would transfer the eggs or birds to another...
  14. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    A quick update: We candled last night and we have NINE embryos! Out of the rest, we have 2 "maybes," and 2 blood rings. The "maybes" are very difficult to see into, so I just can't tell if they are clear or not. Leaving just in case. I am very excited!
  15. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks! Very helpful. Got more reading to do!
  16. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thank you I knew that they'd be different, but didn't know how.. Like I didn't know what breeds made it happen - are barred the only ones? And I didn't know what the babies would look like - is dot/no dot the only way to tell? And I still don't know the science behind it, but I likely won't for...
  17. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    They're here! All off them arrived shell intact! Sorry for the crummy photo, I'm using my phone, and it isn't one of them giant smart ones Ty! Looks like I should spend some time in the genetics section
  18. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We built it! Big styrofoam thing with a window. And yes, I read somewhere on BYC that they should sit for 24 hours so they can settle and warm up. The next 22 days are going to be an anxiety marathon! haha I got a barnyard mix of Plymouth Rock, RIR, Brahma, and ameraucana. They said there will...
  19. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    My eggs arrive tomorrow!
  20. mittens4chickns

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I hope it gains strength and gets better. Glad it has you to help it
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