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  1. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Chickendanz - thank you for affirming what HeChicken had to say. I'm going to try to find a chick and/or close to hatching egg, and give this a try. I'll check out the stores and see when they are getting in fall chicks - haven't seen any ads for them. Will also try creig's list and such...
  2. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    "I've honestly never had it not work although I've heard reports of hens rejecting the chicks. " Oh, HeChicken - that is really great news. I'll look on our local creig's list and such and see if I can find someone closer. But sure hoping this might get her out of the nest!! Sara
  3. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hi All - sorry to be missing in action for so long. Our move went "kind of " okay. Mike's dad died the week we moved, and his mother (who has since been diagnosed with alzheimer's) was unable to live alone, so now lives with us. Its been a rather intense adjustment. With a bunch of other...
  4. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    >DH got her home. She was shot once in the side and once in the head. I hurt but I'm very angry!!!> Oh Chicken Danz - this is so so hard to hear... Your heart must be broken, not to mention the effect on your homestead, your chickens, your pocketbook...... I have been worried about...
  5. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Welcome! Where in SE Kansas are you? I'm currently south of Dennis (just off 400 - 7 miles west of Parsons). In the process of moving to Wilson County, northwest of Altoona. There are a great group of folks here. I'm not keeping up very well now, cuz of moving, but look forward to more...
  6. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks Hawkeye - well, they started the siding on Wednesday, and we had a nasty surprise. Under the old composite siding there was absolutely nothing!!! It was attached to the framing. Noah chuckled and said maybe he should do the same thing - then if we ever had a fire all we'd have to do...
  7. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    I'm home on the puter today cuz its raining/sleeting today. The Amish crew JUST finished the reshingling yesterday before this started. Glad that much is done. They were supposed to work on the siding tomorrow, but if the weather isn't better we'll have to see. I'm just waiting for them to...
  8. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Welcome Casper - I'm also near Parsons - over by Dennis for now - though I'm moving to Wilson County in a month or so. There is a sale over east of Parsons, can't remember the name of the town - there is a gas station on the corner of 400, I think not far past the Labette County line, you turn...
  9. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Its wonderful that is the case. Danny is great with my chickens too, lets them walk on his back and even eat out of his dish - he isn't food possessive at all. (He does get rambunctious with the young peeping chicks, but is playing, not intending aggression. Still I keep them enclosed - and...
  10. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks for looking up the URL and posting it - I intended to do that last night and forgot... Sara
  11. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Hi Chicken Danz - I respect that this is your perspective and experience. I think I used to think the same thing, until I began to interact with other "working LGD" and specifically pyrenees owners and breeders on several yahoo lists. I did so not only for more insight into my Danny, but in...
  12. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thank you Trish and Sharol - guess I'll have to further contemplate this decision.... sigh... Actually, am thankful there are several good options to help with this. I'll let you know what I decide on once I can figure it out for myself. Sara
  13. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Quote: Wow, RoosterLew - I went and looked up that article last night, and it was really informative, plus, all kinds of additional information. i signed up to follow the blog. I did a get a bit confused though. The article suggested NOT using apple cider vinegar. Apparently there are two...
  14. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks... Yes, I can't believe it. His one eye looks a little shrunk/wrinkled around the edges, but its open, and the eye is tracking. The other one is less red now, too. He was out and about with the other juveniles today like nothing had ever happened. I felt to mention the stuff about...
  15. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks for the input, Trish.... Is part of what "got fixed" the thing about coons/predators being able to pry it open? That would be my big concern I think. Sara
  16. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

  17. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Quote: Thank you Chickendanz! This sounds like something I need to try! Sara
  18. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Quote: I got them through the Kansas Forestry Service. They sell bundles, of 20 or 25 different trees for about a dollar a tree. They have a variety of evergreens, and others - I got some lilacs and some mulberries as well, and my pecans. Just do a search on Kansas Forestry Service and look...
  19. sarajoy

    Consolidated Kansas

    Thanks RoosterLew - I'[ll look into the article as soon as I'm caught up here. Yes, the feed mill in Thayer is easy to find. It is visible from 169 - half a block east of there, I think on the main road through Thayer - but Thayer is to the west, the mill to the east. There is an agcoop of...
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