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  1. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    I heard my first egg song from my first chicken yesterday! she had laid two eggs over the last week and she has been really mean to "everyone" she got ahold of one of my teens free ranging the a few weeks ago and scalped my poor girl and she is mean to all the other hens not letting them eat...
  2. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    Lmbo.... thats hilarious!
  3. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    mine dont sing either
  4. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    Lol not to be dismissive but like I said ive done a ton of research and the lights are run along a concreate wall (actually the foundation of my house andthey arent on a timer we physically turn them on in the morning (we are up early anyway) and shut them off (unplug completely) at dawn. I...
  5. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    Yes I have researched it quite a bit and have already started lengthening their days gradually with christmas lights we have set up in the coop in hopes of increasing egg production being as all 3 of my game pullets are just now about old enough to finally start laying :)
  6. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    See I thought about doing the plastic egg thing but then I thought about the colors and if my chickens would be that stupid or be like "ur crazy lady what the hell" lol melody is obviously got it figured out but ive been leaving one behind in hopes my two other pullets see them and would be...
  7. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    So I free ranged my older chickens for the first time yesterday!!!! In my halfway fenced in town small back yard 1/4 to 1/2 acre maybe, Not for very long. I let them out about 30 mins before dusk and watchedthem closely and "hearded them" with my 11yr old daughter Brooklyn where about we wanted...
  8. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    thats good to know.... question.... is it important to always leave an egg in the box so she will keep laying there?
  9. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    So after finding melodys 3 eggs in the dog house and all the work I did closing off the dog house and putting in nesting boxes she skipped a day and then laid yesterday (where she was supposed too...Yay!) Then skipped today... is that common? Im not upset just wondering and ready for my other...
  10. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    Yummm lasagna. .. im so ready for my other two to start laying also and for melody to get regular the extra food around here would really help..
  11. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    So true.... I had to disappear for a week for mine to start laying lol
  12. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    Is this a normal occourance? Im curious I've never heard of chickens laying at night....
  13. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    I thought they were pretty small but it might just be the pics.... or my inexperience these are my first eggs ever :) now we gotta get some more :) I read about making the days longer to keep them laying in winter so I strung christmas lights through the back of the pen and will be manually...
  14. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    So they all still tried to sleep in the dog box even though I spent all evening crafting them a ( if I do say so myself) very functional roost!!!! I tried to just block it off with the piece of metal out of the bottom of my old bird cage but melody (i think may be my layer) climbed it the 4in...
  15. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

  16. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    much happier chickens :) ... I've rearranged ill show new pics tomorrow
  17. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    Still no song and no more eggs yet but I modified my makeshift under the porch pen today and added two new "nesting boxes" still working on the roost placement but I'm going to block the dog house at night she used to lay her first three because they have been sleeping in there, hence my dirty...
  18. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    compared to large store bought eggs
  19. chrisnjenny

    Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

    sorry forgot pics
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