Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

so remember her and her beautiful but small "first egg" welllll today we noticed she wasn't in back with the flock. She has a thing for our shed so we checked there and sure enough She's been holding out on us ... ETA I'm starting to wonder if she shared her hiding place with the other hens because of the different colored eggs and how the heck did we get pink tinged eggs?
So they all still tried to sleep in the dog box even though I spent all evening crafting them a ( if I do say so myself) very functional roost!!!! I tried to just block it off with the piece of metal out of the bottom of my old bird cage but melody (i think may be my layer) climbed it the 4in space at the top to get in and the others insisted on sleeping on the ground outside the closed off box; so we caged it off better so she couldn't get in and after dark we snuck out and took our rooster and the two hens we could catch without causing commotion and placed them on the roost. So far two have stayed hoping the other two will catch on. Now my only worry is... has anyone ever heard of chickens laying at night? Is that a thing? I removed all of the first three eggs I found because I want her to use the new nesting boxes not the dog box intended for better shelter from bad weather and she didn't lay today... just curious since I closed the nesting boxes to deture sleeping in them
That is exciting and they look pretty large for first eggs.
I thought they were pretty small but it might just be the pics.... or my inexperience these are my first eggs ever :) now we gotta get some more :) I read about making the days longer to keep them laying in winter so I strung christmas lights through the back of the pen and will be manually turning them on between 4&5 since I'm up with kids anyway and will open nest boxes then I'm doing all I can to make them more comfortable...
One of my girls (just one, thank God!) insists on laying her egg up in the roost bar/poop tray: She's the one who accidentally laid her first egg during the night while roosting, and insists on returning to the "scene of the crime" daily. I've tried everything and have resigned myself to the fact that I have a neurotic hen. Thankfully the daily cleanup in the morning is done well before she does "her thing" ... geez! :idunno
Is this a normal occourance? Im curious I've never heard of chickens laying at night....
Is this a normal occourance? Im curious I've never heard of chickens laying at night....
Sometimes a new layer will lay her first egg quite accidentally while she's sleeping...weird I know, but it does happen!

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