
Babies are too stinkin cute!
Didn't catch what breed the bird in last picture is. Sure one fine bird whatever it is!! NICE.
So that’s our rooster FLY by Night. He was dropped off at our little farm in vegas and is now is our main King ROO we do not know exactly what he is due to him just being left here. But I’ll tell you he has never shuffled, come after any of us, is extremely polite and is such a god send. We had previously had a few roosters that were human aggressive we let go of them it was hard. But this guy sooooooo amazing !!!!! So we have let him breed and are NeVER getting rid of him (unless he shows “ANY” rude behavior) but he’s over 2 years old now keeping fingers crossed it’s unlikely ….. he’s non reactive unless it’s a hawk! And he goes hard I’ve seen it so amazing! I asked before on a thread what he was here is a picture below of what I was told….. But since he has been breeding he is a genetic carrier of blue and makes splashes he is also columbian. We have some blue splashes with brown gold like coloring like the baby picture…as well as blue with black splashes…..he’s an EE with melanistic and blue ears


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I'm about 60 miles along I-80 in CA. I get to Reno fairly often to visit my brother who lives there. Are you looking for chickens or just chickenfolk?

I am a newcomer to this but I live in Fallon, an hour from Reno. I am looking for a Faverolle Roo and can't find the lady who sold me my girls. If anyone in the surrounding area has a Roo please let me know where and how much. Thanks Frankie.

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