
Well, not Nevada per se, but I go to college in Vegas and commute to my home in Arizona (when I can). There are lots of chickens here, just haven't found anything fancy. This state is laid out, I mean LAID OUT, and one guy in a Parhump and another in Sandy Valley have chickens, but that is an hour away!
I have chicken hatching eggs as well as chicks for sale
Anyone want some chicks from my completely organic free ranging fed flock? I’m hatching eggs and should have chicks I’ll post them here my flocks is pretty!
I am in Golconda, 89414. North Central Nevada ~15 miles east of Winnemucca. I am 1 mile off of I80 with easy paved access. I raise Pure English Orpingtons in Black Silver Laced and Blue/Splash (BBS). I also have Muscovy. Hatching eggs are available most of the time. I would be interested in trades for Heritage Turkeys (especially Narragansett, Palms, Sweetgrass, Pencilled), and possibly purebred waterfowl.


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I am in Golconda, 89414. North Central Nevada ~15 miles east of Winnemucca. I am 1 mile off of I80 with easy paved access. I raise Pure English Orpingtons in Black Silver Laced and Blue/Splash (BBS). I also have Muscovy. Hatching eggs are available most of the time. I would be interested in trades for Heritage Turkeys (especially Narragansett, Palms, Sweetgrass, Pencilled), and possibly purebred waterfowl.
Wow your birds are beautiful!
I am in Golconda, 89414. North Central Nevada ~15 miles east of Winnemucca. I am 1 mile off of I80 with easy paved access. I raise Pure English Orpingtons in Black Silver Laced and Blue/Splash (BBS). I also have Muscovy. Hatching eggs are available most of the time. I would be interested in trades for Heritage Turkeys (especially Narragansett, Palms, Sweetgrass, Pencilled), and possibly purebred waterfowl.
Hi, I would be interested in some Orpington’s. I live in Fallon I get to Winnemucca once in a while. Let me know what you’re asking and also if you might be heading this way. I will be coming that way on the 14th.
Hi, I would be interested in some Orpington’s. I live in Fallon I get to Winnemucca once in a while. Let me know what you’re asking and also if you might be heading this way. I will be coming that way on the 14th.
Pure Black Laced Silver Orpington eggs are $5 each, 6 for $20 or 12 for $35. I have a bunch in the incubator now and all are showing development. The older Splash Orpington eggs are duds for some reason (so far) and the Blue is getting ~60-80% developing but are quite small eggs A younger Splash just started laying a week or so ago and are not in the incubator yet. So, Splash and Blue eggs would be risky and not recommended at this time. I just loaded up the incubator and currently have 5 available, so I would need to start saving up fresh eggs for you at the rate of 2-3 a day depending on what you want. Let me know. Pick-up would be in Golconda. Attached is picture of my only Rooster, a pure Black Laced Silver Orpington, so he would be the baby-daddy.


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We're left Southern Nevada after retiring in 2006 and building a homestead in Elko County. Left there in 2014 and became Texans for a couple years. Thought we were staying in Winnsboro TX, so my husband built a beautiful Texas style farmhouse coop, complete with old farmhouse windows. we are, back in Southern Nevada 😵‍💫. Death of family members brought us back, and we're tired of packing & moving and decided we're carving out a new home in Nye County.....until the coops done & then we'll probably move again 🤣.....naaaawt! Had a lot of fun on Backyard Chickens when we were in Elko County Nevada. Learned some very helpful things from others chicken experiences. Wouldnt call myself an expert though.🫣 New territory requires new lessons. Look forward to meeting more Nevada folks.
Wow! Lot's of chicken folks in Vegas! What's up with Northern Nevada? I've only found 2 other chicken folks within 45 mins of me (maybe they secretly know I'm from the southwest and just a transplant to Reno).
Yup, that's kinda true. 🤣 We had a heck of a time getting hay, finding a farrier, and connecting with Northern Nevada folks in general, when retiring from Southern Nevada. I'll keep yer secret😅

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