Jumbo Pekin vs Pekin

Country Parson

9 Years
Oct 1, 2010
Bellefontaine, OH
We are planning for our Spring order and are not familiar with the Jumbo Pekin. Obviously they are bigger, but does anyone have experience with them? Is the size difference that much? Any known issues with this breed?
The jumbos grow faster, which the commercial food industry likes. The down side is their legs, they are just not build well for their weight. I would not get them as pet ducks, stick to the regular ones. There are some members here who can tell you sad stories.
I have 5 Pekins and 1 Jumbo Pekin. My Jumbo..Sly, was bigger than my normal Pekins when she was about 9 to 11 weeks old i think it was. Pekins waddle when they walk, Jumbos WADDLE!! Poor Sly has a waddle from hell, we got her along with Runners when they were babies and she tries her hardest to keep up but they run off and leave her to waddle her own way , shes always last anywhere. People say they have problems with their legs and maybe down the line Sly will too, but shes doing fine just now and she is 18 weeks old.




Some of my Pekins with Finn my Runner drake
I have 9 Jumbo Pekin although 4 look just regular. I have one I call lucky ducky as she dislocated a hip (well that is my theory) she is healing but still has a limp. And then I had one that was looking a bit sick but also is fine now. Otherwise they do waddle but of course so do the Welsh Harlequin, but the Jumbo's waddle a bit more.

I have enjoyed our Jumbo Pekins but the kids really can't pick them up.
I suggest getting regular Pekins. Jumbo's usually get leg issues. Jumbo Pekins were bred to grow fast, for faster egg production, along with more meat. There is no attitude difference between the two. The size difference isn't a huge issue, but be careful that if you get two, one doesn't stampede the other.

Good Luck!
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If growing for eggs and pets, be careful what you feed them. If they grow too fast and get fat that is when they have problems with their legs. Start off with a 20% protein food and switch to a 16% protein food later and not too much corn as treats. Add niacin to the drinking water (when young) to avoid leg problems. Would probably go with regular Pekins if you want them for pets. Our drake goes about 8-9 lbs. with the ducks going about 6 lbs. each. They have no problem with their legs.
The one on the left is a Jumbo Pekin Drake, center is a Pekin hen, duck on right is a Jumbo Pekin Hen. Sorry I didnt get her totally in the shot, but you can tell the size difference for sure

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