My assorted ducks from the feed store turned 6 weeks this week (khaki's are 7 weeks). The older they get the more I'm sure the white one Huey is a pekin, but how do you tell if it is a jumbo, do the normal sized ones grow fast as well? I got him along with the others because the duck 'expert' in the store was pretty sure it was a white female layer, and he was smaller than the other ducks who were the same age. Huey is now quite a chunk compared to the others, and a feather is sticking up on the rump area, not fully curled yet; are normal sized drake pekins going to look this bigger than swedish at this age, or is he more likely a jumbo? He is a big sweetie with the other ducks who SEEM to be all female at this time, not positive yet. He forages, swims, overall gets nice exercise throughout the day, is that good or bad if he is a jumbo?

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