Illustrations of both sexes of peafowls

Hi Resolution,
To help save me and Frank and Dani, the confusion about which are which the green peahens are and how to tell the difficult 3 races of pavo annamensis green peahens, you need to tell us by colours and pattens in difficult to sort annamensis green peahens.

Annamensis peahens
pavo annamensis bokorensis: Greyer plumages and yellower primaries than other 2 races of annamensis peahens ???
p.annamensis annamensis: Greener than other 2 races of annamensis peahens ???
p. annamensis xishuangbannaensis: ??? than other 2 races of annamensis peahens ???

Green peahens
Pavo annamensis: barrings on tertaries, with tertary coverts, tail coverts & tail feathers ???
Pavo muticus: Much bluer than other peahens ???
Pavo spicifer: Darker and greyer than other peahens ???
Pavo Javanensis: ???
Pavo imperator: ???
Pavo antiqus: Brown allover ???


P. muticus malacense is similar to annamensis with the blue wings and has extensive barring on the back though not as much as javanensis:


Spicifer is a slaty olive-green to blue in colour.

Javanensis female has a golden neck and green head (which can look blue at some angles), and pale irises like annamensis.

Imperator has darker irises (except Kunming which is a more primitive form) but crest morphology is variable per subspecies. It is more bound together in siamensis while in nominate imperator, the quills are more pronounce and the plumes take up less space; similar to Indian Peafowl; it almost fans out in that way.

Antiqus should be pine Green on the back not brown. They're dark overall with prominent hind wing coverts.
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I have coloured the plate for Siamensis Peahen:

I'm starting with head shots first before going into full body.
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Hi Frank,
Your illustration of head of siamensis peahen, is very good, but there are parts need anattions.

Colour of eye iris need check as green peafowl of subspecies pavo annamensis, had pale eye iris.

Green peahens have brown lores in front of eyes.

Do keep practicing drawing & painting, your skills will grow better.

Hi members,
I added a BS peahen in this topic "illustration of both sexes of peafowls by clinton9"
It is below BS peacock.


Spalding peacock and Javanese green peahen (pavo javanensis javanensis) coming in 1-2 days time.
Yes I understand, Imperator Siamensis has darker iris than annamensis. Nominate imperator has slightly paler iris while Kunming Imperator has the palest of all imperators.

I based my sketch off this photograph:

Cattiensis seems unusual and I'm unsure because there is a lack of photographs. It appears rather similar to Siamensis in some ways but has very prominent hind-wing barring and a bit more gold.
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Hi Resolution,
I added both Javanese peacock and peahen (pavo javanensis javanensis) to this topic.

Are colours & pattens correct ???

I like how you made the peahen's eyes pale, you should make the male and the bokorensis birds have similar pale irises. I think the primaries are more pink as with the male. Als

Male and Female Imperator Siamensis:

Not final
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