Yes it's not fair on them, I live near a pine forest and recently people started chopping it down, and u never had trouble with them before, but maybe their food source was gone and they had to look somewhere else, I guess they are just trying to survive and feed their family's but its a bummer when they take birds. So I guess we are all to blame 🤷
I don't think the pine martens would think it's fair that humans have completely destroyed all of their habitat and now want to remove the small number of them that are left because they believe they are a nuisance.

Not to mention the fact that they are often blamed without proof too. I mean, how do we even know any attack was by a pine marten or by any particular species without a confirmed sighting? Even if we did know for sure, should that mean it's ok to just get rid of them?

Like the fox, pine martens are villainised and persecuted by humans who think they are above nature and want to control everything in their environment instead of working in harmony with it. These animals have just as much right to live their lives here as we do. There are ways to protect our domesticated animals and birds while also valuing and caring for our wildlife.

They are protected because they are one of our native mammals and were almost extinct here at one point. Their numbers have grown since they have been protected in the 70s but, as you said, they are still one of our rarest mammals. They are still on the vulnerable species list. So after nearly 50 years of being protected they have only gone from being on the brink of extinction to still being very vulnerable.

They are omnivores and have a very varied diet. The number of attacks on poultry is tiny in comparison to the amount of help they provide such as helping to control rodent populations and other pests. They are part of a complex system of biodiversity. Everything works together. Everything is interdependent, including humans. I think the biggest difference between humans and all other species is that we seem to have forgotten this interdependance and our connection to nature.

If you're talking about live trapping and relocating, I think you may be acutally be allowed do that but you should check to make sure. You could ask your local NPWS about that and they may even help you with it.
I don't mind the wildlife, I'd never hunt or shoot them, I just lock my birds away in the night for their safety. So I just need to look out for my birds but also consider that the wildlife need food too. Its not fair that all their homes are being destroyed, they are just trying to adapt.

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