fox attack

  1. kfsilver

    Fox Attack Questions

    A few days ago I was free ranging my ladies when a fox attacked. I happened to see the attack after two hens had been grabbed, but none dragged away. Based on the footage, it appears the fox grabbed and shook one hen, a New Hampshire Red, but then my Buckeye hen went and attacked the fox. The...
  2. oodle

    Mother hen killed in probable fox attack, what will happen to chicks?

    This afternoon I came home to find all but one chicken of my flock missing. I spotted the feathers of my silkie mother hen, and ended up finding two of her four chicks in shock on the ground around the backyard. So two of the total four chicks have been found. Hopefully the other two will reveal...
  3. Flutterbudget

    Fox attack, duck hasn’t pooped in over an hour?

    Hi all, This morning unfortunately we had a fox visit the garden but due to hearing it and my partner darting out, the fox dropped my precious poppet and scarpered. (5am). She has a puncture wound above her right wing and to her tummy. She’s had a bath, I’ve cleaned the wounds with vetericyn...
  4. JulieSHDK

    Hen caught by fox - alive but has a neck injury. Any hope?

    Hi, I'm new to keeping chickens and I got my first pair this summer. The fox has been here twice now and the first two are no longer. It's sad and a bit discouraging, but at least the fox took them away. My problem is the one he left behind. I caught him yesterday with my brown italian's neck...
  5. S

    Fox attacked Hen and left a huge wound exposing flesh - Help, Advice needed

    I’ve just experienced an attack on one of my hens, a fox attacked her and she has a huge area where her flesh is exposed (approximately 6 inches) with a one inch long deep pucture wound in the flesh. Thankfully she seems quite well in herself and is eating and drinking. After googling a few...
  6. H

    Fox attack, one survivor - please help! (Warning: pics)

    Fox attacked at about 4am. Noise woke me, I ran and scared it away. It killed one and was on the other when I saw it. I throughly she was dead at first but then she moved, so I scooped her up and brought her inside. She is mostly just lying here breathing gently. Every so often she gets up and...
  7. E

    A Peafowl Mystery

    (TLDR: 4 birds missing, including 1 large male, no signs of attack, but no sightings ) Hi everyone, I’m new here and hoping to ask for some ideas/advice. I’m sorry for the long post, but wanted to give some background in hope that someone might have some insight - also I’m really upset at the...
  8. H

    What should we do about Kevin?

    Yesterday morning a fox attacked our coop. One hen was killed, and Kevin, also a hen, was injured. She was bit at the base of her neck, and also her head. The vet said the bite on her neck would be fine, but her skull might be fractured from the bite to the head. When she sits still, her head...
  9. MyISAbrownhens

    Fox Causing Problems

    So today we lost two out of four of our new pullets. We had a total of nine chickens, 4 new chickens and 5 older. Just two weeks ago, we decided that the pullets were big enough to start free ranging at 12 weeks - especially since they were getting along great inside the coop with the older...
  10. L

    Wild mallard duck on nest attacked by Fox

    I'm at a loss a duck that was in my yard behind a bush with seven eggs was attacked tonight by a fox I did everything I could trying to keep the fox away she has a big wound on her chest a bite on her back right at the bottom of her neck and I'm not sure of any other damage or how bad it is when...
  11. O

    Hen attacked by fox! Has dropping neck and puncture wound to back and stomach

    Hi all I’m new to this forum but seen some good advice posted about fox attacks, thought most did not apply specifically My dad has some backyard chickens that we just keep as pets, so we are very close to them and yesterday daytime (4pm) a fox came and attacked them. There is one dead and two...
  12. L

    Fox attack during daytime, badly injured young hen

    There was a fox attack happened at around 2:30pm today. One of my 4-months-old hen got injured pretty badly. Lost lots of feather and seems the fox teared her stomach skin. Here attached a picture. I cut her feather around the wound and pour 10% Povidone-Iodine to clean it. It is a big open...
  13. H

    My ducks died from a fox.

    So I was at my moms for the night and I went over from my moms to get picked up by the bus, when I got there, I went into my backyard to check on them, but they werent there and we say 2 piles of feathers. and a few things that looked like worms next to them, I assumed that it was my dog Astro...
  14. O

    Hen cannot pick up head

    A fox attacked out flock on the 15th and two were taken. One of them was found injured and wouldnt move. She is now inside and cannot keep up her head. She keeps it down, by her feet. She tried to pick it up but couldn't get it above her chest. I held her head up and slowly let go and she...
  15. O


    A fox attacked out flock on the 15th and two were taken. One of them was found injured and wouldnt move. She is now inside and cannot keep up her head. She keeps it down, by her feet. She tried to pick it up but couldn't get it above her chest. I held her head up and slowly let go and she...
  16. ryansmom06

    Fox attack

    My flock was attacked by a fox while free ranging (my coop is very secure, I went into the house to help my daughter. This was in the middle of the day.) This is the first attack in almost five years. Anyway he killed 8 and took 1, 12 are fine and the last one got away by jumping into the pond...
  17. S

    Fox attack, lonely 9 week old chick, please help

    Well this is the first time a predator has gotten my chickens and hopefully the last, a fox dug into a coop that I had 4, 9 week old chicks in, it got 3 before waking up at 2am and going outside to find the sneaky ***** coming back for the last one. So now I have a lonely 9 week old chick, I...
  18. dpnation

    Fox attack - now what?

    Been battling a daytime fox for the month of May and was just starting to hope that things had calmed down, but the fox finally got one of my guineas today at 11am. Now I am worried about the rest of the flock (17 chickens, 3 ducks and 14 other guineas) since the fox managed to get a meal and...
  19. LinLinDove

    Anesthetic/wound-closing necessary? (Fox attack)

    tldr; Week-old fox puncture wounds, antibiotics+no symptoms of infection, behavior and energy all good. Can I avoid stitches/anesthesia risks? Note: Will include pictures tomorrow. They all look like they've clotted up and have minor yellow discoloration in the surrounding skin. Hi all, I...
  20. R

    FOX ATTACK -- Duck Neck Issue?

    This past Sunday night we had a fox attack our ducks, we lost one, one was unharmed, and this one, Bertha, was injured. She has four wounds (two on her chest, two on her back) that seem to be healing really well. We have been cleaning them up twice a day (saline, iodine, and antibiotic...
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