Boot for curled toes on 3 month old chicken **Update w/pics**


Queen of the Zoo
11 Years
Mar 31, 2008
Philomath, Oregon
I know there is a post for this somewhere but I can't seem to find it. A member posted great pics and step by step instructions. The strange thing is I know I posted in the thread too but now it's gone?! I'm losing my mind I think, lol.

I'm looking for the directions, with pictures, to make a boot for curled toes. I can't use the ones for little chicks since it's for Quincy, my 3 1/2 month old special needs Bantam. I need something much stronger. She has a splayed leg and now her other foot has curled toes. I'm looking for a way to flatten them out but still allow her to get around her cage.

Any help would be appreicated! Thanks.....
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I cant help you out with finding that thread either however what I suggest for this age is to find a piece of lightweight yet firm plastic and cut it in a square a bit larger than the foot... tape double sided carpet tape on it ... then place foot firmly (positioning the toes in the correct position)pressing firmly onto the carpet tape>>> then put a square of strong medical tape over the foot pressing VERY firmly in-between the toes and finish by trimming (carefully) around the foot.

Your special needs bird may have some malabsorption going on... give three drops of Polyvisol Enfamil formulation in beak for a week then taper off the next. A good complete general supplement like AviaCharge 2000 should help prevent recurrence.
Thank you very much. I will start putting together the boot today and I have the Polyvisol and will start that right away. The AviaCharge this something I would pick up at a feedstore or??
Here is my curly.

Thank you MissPrissy. Your thread came up in all my searches but I didn't think it would be strong enough for her toes. The one I remember had metal or plastic with some sort of foam inserts. I know it's here somewhere! Lol thank you though, I appreciate it!
I just ordered the AviaCharge online. I feel stupid for saying I didn't know about this stuff. I would/should have had it a long time ago! Thank you for helping educate this still newbie
Put cardboard on the bottom. You really can't see it well in my photo. There is a thin cardboard and the bandaids are used to sticky it all together.
The little chick in my photo is now bigger than my blue orp Mosby. He is a MONSTER.

I want to get a photo of him this evening to show everyone.

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