Boot for curled toes on 3 month old chicken **Update w/pics**

I forgot to update this post.

I can't speak for everyone but after 2 months in a boot (several different versions of the first one), her toes are flat again. She didn't really mind the boot but I can tell she is happier without it
For future reference ...

The plastic from liquid detergent bottles is good for this sort of thing.

I get really big bottles from Costco; the sides are flat and thin and flexible -- I have lots of uses for them, from garden tags to chickie boots.
That's a great idea. For the last boot I made her, I ended up using a credit card my husband wanted me to cut up, lol then topped it with one of those Dr. Scholl's foam inserts. It was firm yet spongy for her. I put a piece of sand paper on the bottom of the credit card so she would have some grip in her cage. I was never able to cut around the toes like suggested so I just taped them apart really well and wrapped the tape up around her leg. She got used it and it helped her balance.
pushing this back to the top.... My little silkie has the curled toes on one foot. I put the tape booties on her and worked fine. When I took it off to change it the first day, her toes were uncurled. in a few hours though they curled back again.

So how long do they need to be taped up. Will this work for sure?

Is it most likely to work because it showed improvement the first time?

I also massage her toes each day. I try to do it more than once daily. WE shall see how that goes.

Does the adhesive in the tape cause any harm?
I wouldn't want it smeared all over my feet idefinately.
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Quincy's toes curled again and I have given up trying to uncurl them. It seems more stressful to her to wear a boot than to just hop around with curled toes. She has become quite used to getting around and I just continue to give her vitamins.

I'm sorry I don't have more of an answer for you but I can say that the tape didn't seem to be a problem for the bird. I think it caused me more stress than her when I was trying to get it off because I swore I was going to pull her whole leg off!
thanks so much for the reply. I amm supposing it has a lot to do with the inervation to the toes. she is only about a week old. Haven't name her yet.... Getting overloaded with chicks to
Well actually I did name her, but can't remember what it was. She is supposed to be a silkie, but the wing feathers are looking quite developed... hmmmm I have never had a silkie before so can't attest to anything.
How old is Quincy now and is she getting around well with curled toes?

Do chickens usually get around well with curled toes? This inquiring mind wants to know.
I have had good luck without using anything firm on the bottom like cardboard etc. I just use two ends of the bandaid stuck to each other like a sandwich. Restricts the toes while maintaining flexibility in the joints.
I have a nine month old Spitzhauben pullet with horribly deformed toes. Splints didn't work either.

She gets along very well and walks mainly on the sides of her toes.
Little Gimley's legs and feet were so bad he couldn't stand or walk. However, I am please to say that with vitamins and extreme braces he now walks and runs normally.


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