2014 New York Chickenstock

Tab's chicken obsession

9 Years
Sep 11, 2010
Date: Saturday May 17th
Time: 11am until ?
Location: My home. Rome, NY will PM address

Come one Come all! All are welcome to attend.

There will be a Chinese auction and potluck meal. Donations are welcome. I will keep a list of what is volunteered.
You are more than welcome to bring birds, eggs, or other things to sell. If bringing live animals please have them caged with food/water dishes. I have water on site to fill dishes. If you are buying or getting live animals please bring your own cage/box with water dish to bring them home. Please bring your own chair being we only have so many of our own.

This is a rain or shine event. We will have tents set up and have a large garage to use if need be. If you have your own pop up tent please bring it if you can.

Chinese Auction Donations:

Metella- wine/beer
Ke5hde- dozen barnie eggs
Cass- raffle tickets, beer/wine
Pyxis- eggs
Chickenstalker- eggs and jam
Tab- gift basket, bag of feed
aceschix- raffle supplies (brown bags, tape, markers, table clothes)
acescix- eggs and pickles

Food Donations:

EOrpbreeder- mac n cheese
Cass- chips and brownies?
Jlaw- juice
Lapeerian- dill pickle slices and zucchini relish
why do birds- deviled eggs
Tab- sausage and meatballs
Xovan-grill with burger and dogs
Metella- snack crackers and cookie-ish desert
aceschix- food supplies (cups, napkins, plates, bowls, utensils)
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Food - I will bring crackers for snacks and a dessert bar type thing

Auction - I will bring wine or beer

I will have a show quality Black Copper Marans Roo for sale or trade of equal (or splash or blue) to freshen my flock genes.

If horse people are interested - I have a brand new saddle and bridle and horse blanket for sale at very decent pricing. I can bring them so you can see with no pressure / obligation to buy. Western style.

I will have wild plum seedings (1 to 2 feet high) for sale for $5 each if anyone is interested - I won't bring them unless others have expressed an interest. (sweet, little dark plums with fragrant while blossoms).;

If any of you are into nascar - I have a Large Jeff Gordon Jacket and Hat - the kind with all the patches and such - it is a really expensive jacket - passed on to me from a family member - but I am not a fan ... sooo can let it go really cheap or trade for farm and food things.
I'll add a dozen barnevelder eggs to the auction for now. I may add something else later. Hopefully I'll have barnie chicks and bantam cochin chick's to sell by then.
I'm sure I can talk Danielle into making homemade mac and cheese to bring.
I'll be the first Sharkie to post, Tabs you know we are in.

I'll offer eggs to the auction when we get closer and food to fill any gaps.

I can do the auction table for you again if you would like. Whatever you need this can be a lot of work (as you know ;))

I will bring young or started birds, depends on what people want.

Can not wait! This is a great way to dream of warmer weather!
I'll be the first Sharkie to post, Tabs you know we are in.

I'll offer eggs to the auction when we get closer and food to fill any gaps.

I can do the auction table for you again if you would like. Whatever you need this can be a lot of work (as you know

I will bring young or started birds, depends on what people want.

Can not wait! This is a great way to dream of warmer weather!

I still have the tickets if you want them (and I DO want them out of my house). I'll bring them.
I'll bring my plastic table like last time (which isn't light, but can be carried by one person).

Food? Hmmm....How about chips and ....oh gosh, I'm gonna have to think about it. Brownies, definately brownies.

And something for the auction. Probably wine or beer. Or both. I got to Walmart to late this year to get those nice gift baskets 1/2 price. (boohiss on me)
I will list the items I can bring for Auction and as far as food goes as soon as I confirm I will be available to go! My daughter has her recital in May and I want to make sure it doesn't fall on the same weekend.

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