3-4 Month Old Easter Egger Cockerel or Pullet?

I'd wait it out...it is hard to tell in the photo but I think that is penciling on rounded feathers. I'm not seeing true saddle spikes. One of my EE pullets has a nice cushion and worried me she might develop a true roo saddle, but she never did. Her feathers stayed rounded...just extra cushion at the tail.

If it is a roo, that comb will start to get bigger and redder and that cushion will develop some true spiked feathers. The color will also likely get even more patchy as the bow wings darken.

...or she could even out in her color, delay the comb growth further, and just have a nice cushion at the tail but no saddle or curled sickle feathers.

Good luck with him/her.
Lady of McCamley
I see a lot of roo in that bird. For the pea comb to be that deep of a pink/red already at 3-4 months old screams roo. It would help if you could get a nice close up frontal view of the comb. If the comb looks like it's single row vertically then it's a pullet, if it looks like it has 3 rows vertically then it's a roo. Check out this link. Scroll down a bit and you'll see a photo of a roo pea comb and a pullet pea comb. There is a distinct difference. : ) http://www.homegrowngourmet.org/how...crow-gender-identification-in-young-chickens/

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