Hey guys I'm new here as a member and as a baby chic momma. I'm so glad I found this page lol any help or info to get me started is more then welcomed lol it's much needed. Sooooo feel free to school me on how to get started. I just received 12 babies about a week old. HELP HAHA!!!! My goal is...
I picked up some week old chicks from tractor supply after doing a bunch of research and I'm realizing that I'm still at the bottom of the learning curve. I have one chick in particular that's very fond of me, but I had to clean poop off of her bottom today and I don't know if that will ruin the...
My chicks are approximately 7 days old. We have 6 total and one of my lavender Orpingtons has a super swollen butt. I’m assuming it’s Patsy butt so I bathed her behind, and put some olive oil to help soothe. What’s worrying me now is I haven seen her eat or drink in hours. I gave her a little...
I just got 9 Australorp chicks that are about a week old. (Yay) but all of them have solid poop stuck on their feet. Will it come off on its own or do I need to remove it and if so how?
My first batch of chicks never had this.
They’re also all just sleeping haven’t seen any eat or drink yet at...
I was told these baby chicks were all ameraucana chicks.... However I'm not so sure... They were from tractor supply. What do you think they are? There I believe 2 sets of different breeds. The bigger chicks look the same and the smaller chicks look all alike.
PS - Sorry if the pictures are...
So we're brand new to the chicken world. My husband and I have 2 outgoing Saphire Gems, 1 Americana that has quite the personality, and a very shy, timid Buff Orpington. All are 7-8 weeks old. Sugar, our Buff, gets pushed around by the other girls. She spends all her time trying to get away from...
I have 4 one week old chicks, we’ve kept them under a heat lamp in a box in the house all week giving them a few minutes outside to enjoy the grass and dirt. Everything I have read says roughly 90-95 degrees is a good temp for them at this point...but my chicks pant at 85-90 and seem happiest...