5 week old

  1. lmadeline146

    Help Sexing 5wk Chicks

    I hatched 14 chicks in April and I’m wanting to know what gender they are. They’re 5 weeks old and majority are fully feathered. They glitched and the letters are out of order for some reason so sorry about that! Plus the pictures aren’t the best, they were hard to keep still! :wee
  2. I

    Black Australorp - Roo or Pullet 5 weeks old

    Hey Everyone! I've been researching sexing Black Australorps and I'm at all loss here, so I'm hoping someone might have experience with this breed and help me out :) We added to our flock this year and I was so excited to find Black Australorps at our local feed store. They were supposed to be...
  3. Sliiiq

    Sexing and determining breed of 6 week olds, and other questions

    First time user, bare with me here, you can answer whichever you like… 1. I’ve got 3 chicks, and I don’t know what their breeds are. Leghorns? Orpington? The two bigger ones (1&2) are supposedly 6 weeks and the 3rd is 5 weeks. Might be stupidly obvious, but I also want to know which is male...
  4. Oob Child

    Distressed Quail..

    I wasn't sure what category to put this thread in, as this isn't really an emergency. My quail has been sitting, quiet and frozen in the sand bath for the last hour after my younger sister (she's eight) ran past my quail cage screaming something about Nutella. My quail, who I was happily...
  5. Chicky_B

    Need breed and gender help!

    Hi everyone! I am new to back yard chickens and this is my first ever flock so I need help with gendering and identifying breeds. My little chicks are 5 wks old (I know it’s a little young to sex them) but one of them seems to have some red/ pink comb and I’m not sure if it’s a pullet or...
  6. C

    What breed and gender are these 4-5 week old chicks

    Alright, I confess, I made a big mistake when I decided to bring my three boys along to pick up some chicks. I was completely unprepared for the constant begging and puppy dog eyes. The game plan was just to get three, but somehow we ended up coming home with nine from a straight run. In the...
  7. Paz

    Sex please?

    These are five and a half weeks old RIRxlLeghorn and RIRxArabi locals Here are they together The red one is number 1. I made a mistake oops 😬
  8. L

    I got my 5-week silkies DNA sexed. Can you guess which is a male or female?

    I sent a blood sample in for these three silkies to get DNA sexed. Just for fun, can you guess who is a male or female? I’ll post results when I get it in.
  9. R

    5 week old Buff Orpingtons, gender?

    Hey y’all! Long time lurker, first time poster. I have these roughly 5-5.5 week old Buff Orps who have been very difficult for a while. Any guesses on genders? Thank y’all! First 3 are chick 1, #4 and 5 are chick 2. Thanks!
  10. M

    Mud ball caused foot injury??

    I just noticed a piece of mud or poop on my 5 week old chickens toe. I soaked it in warm water and got it to come off. However, it totally left an indent and his foot is misshapen! It looks like his toe nail could easily be pulled off it is like dangling on from the indent. Is he ok? What can I...
  11. B

    Lavender orp gender

    I've read a few threads on here already, but looking to sex this 5 week lavender Orpington. I'll post more pictures later but this is what I have.
  12. S

    5 week old Easter Egger and Black Copper Marans, vote on gender?

    Meet Bunny and Bagel, a bit over 5 weeks old today and I'm afraid they may both be roos! I know EEs showing patches of red coloring their wings isn't a good omen and my BCM comb is looking a little too large... Any votes? Here's Bunny the EE And Bagel the BCM Thanks for your time &...
  13. Duckduckgoosie

    5 week BCM mix- roo I think?

    Pinkie. So friendly. But, roo?
  14. Duckduckgoosie

    5 weeks, guesses?

    Some kind of BCM mix.
  15. Estrellathehen

    Chick’s breed 🐣

    I recently hatched two chicks, and so far they are doing really well! I am quite new to chickens, so I’m not very experienced with breeds and all. I was wondering if any of you chicken experts out there knows what breeds my chicks are? I posted about them a little while back but everyone said...
  16. southwestern

    Easter Egger - Pullet or Cockerel?

    Hi there! We recently started a small backyard flock, and I've been lurking on this forum for the past few months as we've been gathering information and learning the ins and outs of raising chicks. There's lots of great resources and information here! Anyway, here I am with the classic "pullet...
  17. WhatTheCluck89

    Sold as "AZURE" mix?(+ the rest for fun) 5 week picutre for now (WILL UPDATE)

    Just to be clear, I understand it is probably too early to tell what sex these dudes are, I have my guesses, but I'm a total noob when it comes to chickens. I'm mostly curious what this chicken (chicken #1) really is because I have a feeling like "azure" isn't actually a recognized breed. I...
  18. 4Urbanchix

    Buff Orpington Male or Female?

    Hi everyone, my buff Orpington is about 5 week old, and I am having some concerns about the sex. When I first got him/her I had a feeling that it may be a rooster but I thought it was just my nerves. Where I live, roosters are prohibited so I would like to know what he/she is ASAP so I can find...
  19. Mrshoneybear

    One duck picking on other two.

    I have 3 "females" ducklings (sexed from the hatchery) that are around 5-6 weeks old. A few days ago we noticed the Rouen picking on the buff and I had to pull 2 broken blood feathers. I have separated them completely, and outside (we keep them outside during the day now) we have a board...
  20. tiawieclaw

    lumpy chick and what to do about warm weather

    my chicks are about 5 weeks old and one of my bigger chicks has a weird bump/ hunched back kinda. he’s active like the others he just looks different and i don’t know if that’s a problem. it is 90 degrees F where i live and my chicks are panting. they are in the shade and they have loads of...
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