Hey! I have 2 lavender Orpington and 1 Black Copper Maran (I think) Chick. They are all 5 weeks old.
I’m leaning to all being pullets but wondering your thoughts? The lavenders are sweet and docile but the BCM is skittish and flighty. Have has all since hatched and handled daily.
Hey guys! I have 5 week old chicks that have been spoiled in my laundry room for too long. I live in Phoenix AZ and right now it's overcast and rainy at 100° Normally 110+ and sunny during day 90s at night. We have been taking "field trips" out to enclosure around coop at sunset but only for...
Hi everyone! I am new to backyard chickens and have 4 little chicks. I am unsure of their breeds (except one, it’s a silkie) and their sex. We got them from an elementary school project of hatching eggs. I’m so excited to spoil these guys!
Although I need some help. My little chicks are 5 wks...
Hello! I have 11 bym mix chicks between 5-6 weeks old. These chicks I'm curious on, can't quite figure out gender yet (I know it might be too early to get a conclusive answer, but I'm curious!). Parents are from a breeder and a a possible mix of french marans (black, blue, lavender, and...
I went to a store and bought a couple chickens, was told two of them are cream Legbar and another Welbar. I can’t tell which is which and would like to know. Here’s it is at 5 weeks old and then as a baby chick (the one on left, black stripe down back) Also, it’s not a rooster right? First time...
Hi, first time chicken owner here. We got 8 chickens right now and this is the only one that has a red coloring to it’s comb already. It’s also supposed to be an olive Egger. About 5 weeks old. Any guesses?
I have 4 chicks that hatched that hatched feb 6th and 7th so they are over 4 weeks old now. One is a definite roo, so he is big. The second is average size. The third is small, but not as small as the 4th. The tiny one was the first to hatch. It seems to eat and drink normally so why is it so...
Hi all! Posey is my first chicky hatched to my chickens. She’s about 5 weeks old and as of yesterday, she cannot put weight on her left leg. I see no obvious injury, but breaking several bones myself, it seems she broke her “ankle.” I made a splint with a pad, q-tips, and band aids. She is...
This little chick is about 5 weeks old and is the only one that doesn't have a tail.
It has dark legs and is a black/brown color
From Atwoods.
Any guesses on the breed of this chick?
Hello everyone,
Our chicks will be 6 weeks old on the 13th and I'm curious if you think one of our RIR's is a pullet or cockerel. Their comb is bigger than the other RIR and pinker. I will attach photos of both of my girls. The first 2 are of my chick in question, Reba as we call her now, and...
I have a naked neck/silkie chick that is about 5 weeks old. When I first got her, her head was bald. And as she’s growing she’s been growing a bump/lump it looks pretty gross. And I’m not sure what to do. She’s always been active and eating but it just looks worse.
I recently noticed that our Runner duckling named Duchess will sit down for a while a few times a day. She'll only walk around if: there a new refill of food/water, I'm throwing treats out to them, I'm attempting to take a photo of her, or she suddenly wants to find where Colonel is and follow...
Hi everybody! I'm a new chicken lover and I've been obsessing over which breed this one chick could be!
It's the only chick I picked out of the bin that is supposed to be females...Soo...any guesses??
It will be 5 weeks old tomorrow!!
Hi! I'm new to backyardchickens.com and also a first time chicken owner. Just looking for input from the experts and confirmation on what I think I already know to be true. My sweet mottled cochin bantam, Millie, is just 5 weeks old--was supposed to be a "she" when I bought her, but check out...
As suggested, here are better pics, and a few days older which have brought some changes.
Hi - Any feedback to help sex these guys/gals is appreciated. I'm a first timer, and I have 9 birds I got from a breeder.
3 Ameraucana (1 blue) (2 black)-5 wks
3 Black Copper Maran- 6 wks old
3 Olive...
Hello All!
I have two suspected Cockerels, and I'd really love all of your opinions. These chicks are a little over 5 weeks old (these pictures are from about 3 days ago), and I have two that I am definitely leaning towards rooster, but I have heard that Orpingtons are notoriously difficult...