8 weeks

  1. Muser

    8 week old chicks sexing

    OK, so 8 weeks old yesterday. Up until this point it's been clear that 2 were Roosters. 1 and 2. But another week has gone by, what do we think for the remaining 5? 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7:
  2. P

    Pullets or Cockerels?! Cochin and Marans

    Hello, Thank you in advance to anyone who can provide any insight as to the Gender of my 3 baby chicks. I started keeping chickens last year, but my original batch of chicks turn out to have a lot of boys, so this spring I was looking to add more ladies to my flock. These three chicks are 8...
  3. L

    Almost 9 weeks old Black Australorp. Pullet or Roo?

    Hen or Roo? Will be 9 weeks old on August 22nd
  4. Jparrish1828

    Pullet/Cockerel? 8 wk blue ameraucana

    First time chicken keeper here. I ordered a mixed flock of “females” from Myers hatchery. I have a few suspect males, however, this one is my most “concerning” one at the moment. Hatch date April 24th 2023, just over 8 weeks old. Any guess on gender right now, or still too early to tell?
  5. BoomChickWow

    HELP with Gender😊 8 weeks Easter Egger, Jersey Giant, Brahma? Thanks!!

    New chicken owner and I think out of my 5 chicks I may have 2 roos. I am obsessing over here🤣. One of my Black Jersey Giants I am 99% sure as it was slower to feather and developed the pink comb earlier and looks different from other. Out of my 2 Easter Eggers I think the grey one may also be a...
  6. ChickenMath10to17

    Best Guesses for Barnyard Breed and Ameraucan/EE genders 8 weeks

    #1-5 are chicks that we recieved "Barnyard Breed" from a lady who collect the baby chicks after the eggs have hatched at schools/nursing homes etc. I don't know these breeds or genders. I would appreciate your best guesses. I don't have many chickens with combs (most have pea combs) so these all...
  7. T

    New memeber, puzzled over what breed this chicken is..

    Hi all, I started a small flock I got from a tractor supply about 8 weeks ago, and I cannot decide what sort of bird this is. Can anyone help?
  8. L

    Cinnamon Queen 7-8wks old-curled toe?

    One of our Cinnamon Queens we got from Tractor Supply... 1) it’s interesting the other one has a normal comb. This one with curled toe has a flat wide ridge where her comb would be? Idk. 2)just noticed yesterday, far right toe on right leg... left in the pic... is curled up and she keeps walking...
  9. Nicole_Z

    Easter Egger Sexing // Help Me Sex My Favorite Chick

    Hi folks! I have 4 EE chicks that arrived mid February. I originally ordered three, but four showed up in the mail. I suspect that one is a rooster. None of them have outright distinct rooster/cockerel characteristics at the moment. But this one definitely displays the most rooster-like...
  10. H

    Help Sexing 8 1/2 Week Ameraucana Chicks

    Hi! I’m hoping that someone will help me sex my 8 1/2 Week Ameraucana chicks. I am confident on the gender of the other chicks but cannot tell if these guys are cockerels or pullets? Chick #1 Chick #2 Chick #3 Chick #4 Chick # The combs of chicks 4 and 5 don’t get redder than...
  11. Harmoni

    8 week old mixed chicks

    Pretty sure I have a pair, cookie being a cockerel and Oreo being a pullet but what do you all think?
  12. M

    Another silkie gender thread

    8.5 week old partridge silkie chick. Guesses on boy or girl? We have an older partridge chick we are pretty sure is a boy so I'm really hoping this one is a girl! I know it's early but so far you guys have been right on the money with your guesses 😊
  13. JoRiddle

    Splash Easter Egger, 9 Weeks Old - Pullet or Cockerel?

    I got this EE and I’m desperately trying to figure out if it’s a roo or hen! I can only have hens in my HOA. I know it’s still probably early, but maybe some of you experienced chicken owners can provide some insight into what I should be looking for? The comb got bright orange/red pretty...
  14. M

    8 week old silkies genders

    Hey guys, first time poster here! We have three 8 week old silkie chicks that I was curious if anyone wanted to guess on gender? We have a Red Pyle, black, and a partridge. Please tell me they aren't all roos 😟
  15. uktech

    Sneezing/Coughing and yellow poop - Brahma

    Slightly confusing situation and one I can't find a similar case to hence why I'm finally posting this. Please bear with me and hopefully, I can do a good job explaining. The problem is with my Brahma roo (pictured) but there is a secondary issue of yellow poop which is the case for some of...
  16. K1MM11

    BLRW and GLBW gender help please! - Wyandottes

    Hi there! So I have a gender question, as my now 8 week old chicks have had me stumped these past few weeks. They are all Wyandottes but they are a mixed bunch of colours. All of the chicks feathered at the same rate, and about two weeks ago three started growing their combs. The other three...
  17. BB Hood

    So... I bought a straight run of australorpes....

    Since I wasn't expecting barred rock, (I think)? I am not sure if this is a roo or pullet. All chicks are just under 8 weeks. There are 2 barred rock. Look the same to me. Both a little bigger than my australorpes and leaders of the pack. Any thoughts on genders? Any confirmation on breed...
  18. BudgieKing15

    My Chickies Are 8 Weeks Old!

    Here are some pics of my now-8-week-old ISA Brown pullets (the one I'm holding is Bertha)
  19. R

    Pullet or cockerel

    Help! Are these cockerels? Approx 8 weeks Old
  20. ChickStavie

    Muscovy Gender 8 weeks

    Uploaded 3 weeks ago was told to update now updating on old post and new one thinking pair at this point
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