6 laying hens for sale:
1 Olive Egger 2 years old
1 Blue Lace Wyandotte 2 years old
2 Ameracaunas 2 years old
2 Barred Rock 1 year olds
All laying and healthy. Just need to reduce the flock before the pullets can be put with the rest of the group.
$60 OBO
Hello! I bought a flock a little less than a year ago when I wanted hens that laid blue eggs. I was brand new (still am new) to chickens so I wasn’t concerned with the breeding. Now that I’m learning more, I’m getting more interested in true breeds and breed standards. I was told the flock I...
My husband and son went to the feed store on Sunday for some supplies and I told them if they have any Ameraucana babies left, grab 3 (plus 3 Lavender Orpingtons). They had me text them so they wouldn't forget.
Fast forward couple hours and they come home with my chicks and my son asks why I...
These are 4ish weeks old! Wheaten Ameraucana. Wondering if the one with the darker feathers on right is a roo? Because I know female wheatens are very light colored. Thanks!
Can pure Ameraucana chicks have the wild type pattern? I'm trying to mess around with auto-sexing and blue egg genes and would need a bird that lays blue eggs and has the wild type pattern when it is a chick.and if an Ameraucana chick does have the wild type pattern could it still have...
I have two 9.5 week old chickens that hatched out of dark chocolate colored eggs. It was labeled as a Lavender Maran, but I am wondering if this is what a lavender maran looks like? It is quite a bit darker than my Lavender Orpingtons. They both have single combs, not developed or colored at...
My babies are 5 weeks old and appear fully feathered. It's warm ish here in Tennessee and they are fighting coming in the house by avoiding me and my daughter when we go for them. They are huddling from time to time but aren't looking cold per say. Again if we attempt to grab em they run. Mind...
Hi I have been trying to identify the breed/gender of one of 2 chicks supposed to be Ameraucana but this one is totally different than the other one (who I believe is an EE). So I think this could be an Ameraucana?
I’m also not sure if she is a pullet/cockeral. Is there anyone that could help...
Hi Poultry people!
Can anyone tell me which breed
is the most prolific BLUE egg layer pls?
Is it Ameraucana's? I live in
Maine & it hits -20 here in Winter.
Hey guys, I have a 6 month old hen and am not for certain what breed she is. I bought her from Rural King and she was sold as an Ameraucana. However, pics are below of what she looks like now. She looks like a spangled Russian Orloff to me, but bc they so rare I am hesitant to think thats what...
Hi there, back in April I had found a breeder that bred lavender Ameraucanas and purchased one that was a week old, she is now 39 weeks old but I have yet to see a blue egg, I am starting to get a bit concerned that there could be some sort of underlying health issue. Could she be egg bound? Or...
Hi everyone! I've been following BYC for months as my go-to look up for questions we have since getting our first chickens in August! We live in Abita Springs, Louisiana (about an hour outside of New Orleans).
We are new to chickens and got two chicks in August. Beignet is a Buff Orpington and...