So we have twelve mixed breed chook eggs up to day 21. Last night the incubator was briefly opened and unfortunately the lid didn't make it back down with a complete seal. The humidity dropped to around 30% for an hour or so. The lid was repositioned for overnight, and in the light of day...
Sorry, nervous first-time "parent"!
So, I need to know how much to assist w a duck egg that pipped (externally) 19.5 hours ago. I just removed the shell, not that inner membrane, to the edge of where the air sac was (I had the foresight to draw that before the duck pipped). The ducking pipped...
If you need immediate instructions on how to assist a hatch, you may skip this section and go to the next one, where the instructions are.
To start with, I want to address the fact that some people think assisting during a hatch is wrong. I respect the decision to not help during a...
Hey y'all I have questions. Just discovered today I have a broody bantam mix. Unfortunately I pulled her off the nest before I realized her eggs are HATCHING. She wouldn't get back on the nest for a little while (maybe 20 minutes). Two had already hatched, one has hatched since, and several were...