barred rocks

  1. I

    SOP of Plymouth Barred Rocks

    What is the SOP of Barred Rocks and how do you know they are bred to standard. What would be some imperfections of a poorly bred Barred Rock? I got her from a feed store so I want to make sure she is ready to be put in shows (4H)
  2. J

    How do I know if my birds are heritage or production barred rocks, and how much does it matter?

    In may I bought chicks from a local feed store. I was planning on creating a business advertised as heritage chickens. I also wanted to have chickens that would reproduce naturally. Is there a way to tell if they are heritage or production barred rocks? If I asked someone at thee feed store...
  3. Bigbluefrog

    Is it just me or are these chicks big for 2 weeks?

    My Barred Rocks are 2 and a half weeks old. And boy are they growing fast! I been using a heating plate and an addition heat source keeping the area around 80 degrees in the shed. I am surprised how fast they are feathering out! Anyone else notice how fast they grow?! This is my 3 set of...
  4. Duckduckgoosie

    6 week old Barred rocks, temp?

    What outdoor temp lows would be safe for six week old Barred rocks? I am bringing them in at night & letting them be in my little coop days, but sure am ready to pack away that dusty indoor brooder box. Really happy with these birds though, they are friendly and calm and so pretty. And, still...
  5. CountryCuratesWife

    Barred Rock Cockerel or Hen?

    This is my first time having Barred Rocks, and I'm pretty sure this one (on the left) is male. but I wanted to ask around to see if my suspicions are correct. He looks more white than the others, and the pronounced comb I feel is a giveaway. Thoughts? I'm happy either way, but I'm hoping its a roo
  6. okiechickees

    10 wk barred rocks (both pullets?)

    Here are photos of my two 10-week old barred rocks, Blanche (the lighter one) and Mary Jane (the darker one). It's so strange that they look so different. Could Blanche (the lighter one) be a roo? Thank you!
  7. chikns


  8. T

    New to BYC page.

    Hello everyone! I live in Northern Maine (I see New Brunswick Canada on my way to work in the morning), and last fall I started raising chickens strictly for eggs. I bought 3 barred rocks and 3 silver lace chicks and they spent their winter in my enclosed coop using the deep litter method...
  9. mandymcg05

    6.5 week old BR chicks- help me sex!

    Gotta love straight runs. Amiright?! :hit I’m 99.9% sure I have 4 Roos and 2 pullets. Husband doubts me. Men. Pffhh lol. What do y’all think? I have them numbered and pics are the best I could get. They’ll be 7 weeks on Monday! I tried to get good pics of their faces and their tails. They...
  10. Nellylee

    Heat lamp? 4 weeks Barred Rocks

    My chickadees are starting to have head feathers poke thru at 4 weeks. Tonight I turned on my cozy coop heater per usual and they were as far away from the heat as possible and it’s on low. We get in the 50’s in the night. Should I leave the heat on anyways? Can they go outside permanently now...
  11. Nellylee

    How old are my chicks?

    I got my chicks from tractor supply the day they came in (I was calling everyday to see if they had a shipment). I know Barred Rocks grow more quickly, but I don’t want to put them outside full time and risk it being too soon. We have had weather outside in the 90’s in Arizona during the day and...
  12. WatkinsCluckers

    Sexing Barred Rocks - 4 week olds

    Hi, everyone! I feel like I always ask this, but now that I have these chicks what gender do y’all think they are?I’ve never owned barred rocks before and some things lead me to thinking they’re Roos and then sometimes something tells me they’re girls. What are your opinions?
  13. F

    These Aren’t Cuckoo Marans, Are They?

    So two of my pullets were sold to me at 8 weeks as Cuckoo Marans. Now they’re about 6-7 months old and I find that they have clean, yellow legs. These are actually Barred Rocks, aren’t they? (They haven’t started laying yet)
  14. minaayindra

    Breed identification pictures

    Does anyone know where I can obtain pictures of the different breeds of chicks I have, at multiple stages? I am finding 1-day-old chick pictures and adult pictures, nothing in-between. I'm trying to figure out who is who as they grow since I seem to have ordered multiple breeds that look so...
  15. Searsmom

    Raising chicks for 4H

    I've had chickens for awhile, but my 10 yr old signed us up in 4H to show 4 Barred Rocks out of a batch of 15 provided by 4H. Anybody have tips on special care while they're growing and how to get them ready for the show? Do we need to have them in cages or will the show have display cages...
  16. Shellebelle920

    Fill in the blank...FCBM, cream legbar, exchequerLH, Salmon Faverolles and _______

    HI again everyone! I am starting my own mixed breed flock in a few weeks and am looking for opinions on which breed to add for typical brown eggs (and a lot of them). I was originally going to go with a blue Australorp but am now second-guessing myself and thinking of going with a Barred Rocks...
  17. Soon2BChixMom

    Plymouth Rocks - what are they really like?

    I have been reading about Plymouth rocks for the past week. There is a lot of conflicting info. Some say they are great for children. Easy going, docile, etc. But, then others say they are mean bullies to other chickens in a mixed flock. Doesn't sound like an easy going chicken to me. So which...
  18. Oursisafunnyfarm

    Barred Rock Gender help!?

    So we let our little farmer(our six year old) pick out four chicks from our local feed store. Initially the store manager said that she thought that our black chicks were sexlinks...but that she was not sure. And they were supposedly sexed, all hens. After asking on this site the consensus was...
  19. 7265040C-2082-4B18-939D-FA819741398C


    AlleyOop sits on eggs in the kitchen
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