black copper marans

  1. palrusty12

    Wade Jean Marans chicks - when do they lose white feathers?

    Hello all! I hope I'm not repeating a thread, but I've spent over an hour searching through the forums to avoid doing so... but I have what I hope is a quick question: I have 16 Wade Jean line Black Copper Marans chicks at 4 weeks old now. When should they be losing the white on their faces...
  2. Alicat4244

    2 1/2 wk old marans chick ...what do you think boy or girl??

    What do y'all think ?
  3. L

    Pullets or Roos - Better pics :)

    As suggested, here are better pics, and a few days older which have brought some changes. Hi - Any feedback to help sex these guys/gals is appreciated. I'm a first timer, and I have 9 birds I got from a breeder. 3 Ameraucana (1 blue) (2 black)-5 wks 3 Black Copper Maran- 6 wks old 3 Olive...
  4. L

    Pullets or Roos?? 3 Breeds

    Hi - Any feedback to help sex these guys/gals is appreciated. I'm a first timer, and I have 9 birds I got from a breeder. 3 Ameraucana (1 blue) (2 black)-4 wks 3 Black Copper Maran- 5 wks old 3 Olive Eggers (Maran/Cream Legbar cross)- 4 weeks old 1 - Maran, the largest, feathered early...
  5. Twinsnchickens


    I am located in Southern California, but if shipped willing to get from anywhere. I am looking for chicks, or pullets, not really interested in trying to hatch eggs. Don't care for body composition as much as I would really like chickens capable of laying at least an 8 on color scale. The...
  6. J

    Looking for hen chicks

    Thanks for adding me. My question is to the breeders out there. I placed an order with a hatchery before I read this forum and found out that breeders such as are found on this website produce genetically superior chickens than hatcheries do. I'm looking for six friendly, quiet hens to start a...
  7. tupperval

    New to Raising Chickens!

    We moved from town to the family farm a year ago. One of the things we wanted to do is raise a few chickens. Besides the tremendous benefit of a few fresh eggs, we have a terrible problem with ticks in our area. In fact, I spent most of the last summer (with Lyme's disease). In fact, a few...
  8. MrsChicky55

    Do Black Copper Marans fair okay free ranging?

    I'm a new chicken mom, and I've been really quite surprised by how many of my BCM's I have lost and I'm wondering if maybe they shouldn't be allowed to free range or if there is some trick to raising them? I love the BCM's so I got 7 of them, I'm down to 3 (only 1 pullet left out of 4 darn!!!)...
  9. First Breeding Experience

    First Breeding Experience

    Hello Everyone! A few weeks ago I posted some photos of a new rooster that I bought from a local farm and an Olive Egger hen whose eggs I wanted to hatch. I admit, I am interested in green and blue eggs. My chickens are not pure breed chickens. I study up on correlations and genetics and I...
  10. Adrien515

    Any Black Copper Marans or Ameraucana or Cream Legbar chicks for sale? (Houston Tx Area)

    Hi, I've been scouring the internet for any Black Copper Marans and Ameraucana chicks for sale at the most one hour away from me. I live in Cleveland, Texas. I'd prefer them being 6-8 weeks old, so they can go with my other chicks, or ONE day olds. If possible, I'd like 1 male BLK CPR Maren, and...
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