breed and gender

  1. A

    Can anyone tell me if these are roosters or hens?

    Hi Everyone, I bought 8 chicks back on April 1st from Tractor Supply. They were supposed to all be female, however, I may have some roosters among the group. Can anyone tell me if these are females or males? I've had trouble distinguishing! One is a Buff Orpington, another is a New Hampshire...
  2. J

    Can you help with breed and gender?

    hi! My name’s Jackie, this is my first post. I’m in WA, and we just got our first chicks this year. I bought 2 olive eggers and 2 black copper marans from a local farm (plus 2 ameraucanas from our farm store). The farmer put 4 black, nearly identical chicks in the box and I don’t know which is...
  3. Molly020403

    Black Chick- Australorp?

    Hi all! I got three chicks from a woman a couple months ago and as soon as I left her barn I forgot what breed one of them was (she had showed me a lot of breeds). I was hoping that someone could point me in the right direction now that the chick is a little older. I was also hoping for some...
  4. JessMay

    Rooster or hen? What breed?

    I cannot tell whether this is a rooster or hen and I don’t know the breed.. we got them in March as chicks.. we had one rooster already which unfortunately got taken by a hawk, but for some reason I can’t help but to think he’s a rooster! Can anyone tell me which one and what breed it looks like?
  5. J

    Ideas on breed/sex?

    I think it’s an Australorp but I have no clue on the sex. Hoping it’s a boy
  6. LunaMarieWolf

    Breed and/or gender help

    I got this little bantam from my Aunt last night. She told me "he" was a month old and that she got "him" for my baby cousin. My baby cousin doesn't need another rooster so my Aunt passed him on to me. This is my first time owning a bantam so I have no clue what breed he is or if he is even a...
  7. Dfarago

    What breed?

    Thinking Rhode Island Reds. got these from a neighbor. Pretty sure the darkest one is male, and the other three female. They are all siblings, should I be afraid of inbreeding? I’ve heard it’s not as big a deal with poultry as long as it’s not inbreeding for three generations or something.
  8. S

    6 week old chick breed id help!

    hello all! I am raising my first batch of chicks and now that their feathers are coming in I’m trying to ID breeds. I got a rainbow layer mix and I think I have 6 or 7 different breeds, but I’m not positive. Also i’m pretty sure they’re all pullets but i don’t know how to tell. Please help! ^...
  9. CrazyCochin

    Gender of my goose: goose or gander

    We have a goose and I would like to know if anybody can identify the breed and gender? Her name is Gussie.
  10. LunaMarieWolf

    Breed and/or Gender please?

    Hello! I was looking at my local sale auction and got this lovely chicken from a guy. He said they were ameracaunas (hopefully I spelled it right) and didn't know if they were male or female because he was selling them for a friend. My younger sister has an Easter Egger who she adores. She...
  11. B

    What breed and what gender?

    Hi everyone, I adopted these you d chickens a few weeks back from my daughters school (class project hatching eggs) and I have no idea what breed or what sex. I believe the are about 12 weeks old. Can anyone help me out?
  12. Goose-Willis

    Mixed Breed Goslings Parentage:

    Hey all! I am trying to deduce the parentage of my mixed breed goslings. I know there are several quality threads on color genetics on geese but I’ve found it difficult to isolate the information that directly pertains to my situation. The individual I purchased my goslings from had a...
  13. jaks2578

    What breed and gender?

    Hello all :frow I purchased this chick along with some Silkie chicks. This chick is approximately 10 days old. Does anyone know what is this chick’s breed and, if possible, gender? Thank you all!!!! :jumpy
  14. S

    Need to determine the sex of my chicks

    Hi, We had a broody hen hatch 7 chicks from eggs we got at the farmers market. I was told that the possible breeds/crosses for them are: Leghorn, Easter Egger, Buff Orpington and Rhode Island Red. They’re almost 8 weeks old now and we’re running out of space. We can’t keep the roo’s and I’d...
  15. fivechicks715

    What breed and sex is my chick?

    When getting our chickens we asked for one surprise rare breed chick- but had to be a female. They gave us this chick, and he/she has been developing much slower than the other girls, feather development is not as quick. Just this week the chick got feathers around her neck which has made her...
  16. Semperviridis

    55 flowery hens or cream legbars

    I have a few chicks from a rare breed collection that got mixed up before I could band them. Most likely 55 flowery hens, Swedish flower hens cream legbars or Isbars. Thanks for your feedback!
  17. 1CB9F769-9EE0-422C-9545-9E6AE7D927AA


    10 weeks
  18. ArchyJill

    Mystery chick

    We got a "variety" pack of hatching eggs (breed stamped on egg) but this one (black and white)seems to make no sense. Based on other positive IDs it's got to be a Welsummer or Speckled Sussex, but it doesn't look like either of those (to me). looks a little roo-like.
  19. E

    3 weeks old..breed and gender??

    Hey All, I have four 3 week old chicks. I was told the 2 multicolored chicks are Easter Eggers and the other 2 are sex-link Buff Leghorns. Can anyone help me confirm this, please? Also, is it too early to tell the gender? These are my first chickens-I am very new at this. I want to make sure I...
  20. T

    Mystery hatch - Breed and Gender of 2nd Grade Classroom hatches

    I hatched chicks in my 2nd grade classroom. Got the eggs from a pet store in Orange County, and the parent picking them up didn't think to ask the breed!!! All the yellow chicks (some with a few black bits of feathers or specs of black down) were from large brown eggs. The different one was...
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