breed & gender

  1. M

    Help with genders and breeds

    Hi! I posted earlier and you all were so helpful I went out and took pics of my other 5 chicks. They are 9 weeks old. Chick A - I think salmon faverolle pullet? Chick B - Pullet? Idk what breed? Chick C - Cockerel, but what breed? Chick D - I think blue cochin pullet? Super soft and fluffy...
  2. M

    Gender and breed?

    We brought home 6 chicks that my sons class hatched and have been waiting to see what sex they turn out to be. I thought Pecky was a cockerel bc of the way he or she kept squaring up to the one that is for sure a cockerel, but now looking I don't see the saddle feathers growing in the way I...
  3. L

    8 week old chicks, I'm new to this, Roosters or hens?

    Hi everyone, I hatched these chicks from mixed eggs i bought on a local farm. They are now eight weeks old and i was wondering what breed and gender they are? They all look different. HELP 😅 This is Drizzelle (7 weeks old on the picture). I think she's a girl, don't know what breed. Very calm...
  4. H

    Sexing my flock (new to all this)

    Hello! This is our first time raising chickens. We are trying to figure out what sex each of our chicks are. They are about 14 weeks old now. After some research, I am guessing we have 2 sultans (1 male, 1 female), 2 silkies (no clue) and 1 maybe 2 plymouth rock (guessing 1 male, 1 female). The...
  5. Samanternat

    Breed ID for new chicks? Sexing too early?

    Bought a coop for our two 5-week-old chicks off a local farmer and they offered us to take some of their day-olds also. As tempting as it was to take a bunch, we decided to add just two to our flock since we are worried one of our older chicks could end up male (😞) leaving our other one alone...
  6. J

    Rooster or hen? what breed?

    Hello, We retired from the military and I couldn’t wait to get chickens, but a cancer disgnoses last year left me with an empty coop as we didn’t want to add to our load of stress. This spring, my husband wanting to surprise me brought home four hens from a pullet at our local feed store. 2 Isa...
  7. M

    Pullets or cockerels? And breed identifying. Thanks!

    I am a first time chicken owner. I recently got x7 day-ish old chicks sexed as hens from Orchard Ridge Farm in Gorham, Maine. I am not positive where they source them from, but it is a local hatchery in the north east. My order *should* have included the following, but I am not so certain that I...
  8. Samanternat

    Pullets or Cockerels (Hen/Roo)? 4.5 weeks old... Dark Brahma?

    Brand new to this! Can anyone more experienced help me determine if these 4.5-week-old chicks are female or not? Unfortunately, I won't be able to keep Roosters where I live. Bonus if you could tell me what breed they are! :) As you can see, they had almost identical "chipmunk" patterns as...
  9. TurGoosen

    Gosling breed identification?

    My two goslings are starting to get their feathers and I’m trying to figure out what kind of geese I have and potentially their genders if anyone has any guesses. I think I have a male and a female and I’m sick between thinking they are Toulouse or African The first two photos are of the...
  10. L

    What breed of bantams are these? Also do I have hens or roosters?

    I would like to know if anyone on here can please help me out and tell me what breed of bantam these little cuties are and their gender. Thank you in advance.
  11. Emrosenagel

    Any idea what breed this is?

    so this is Husk. She’s about 17 weeks old now and I still have no clue what she is. Her sisters are clearly a serama and a cochin, but husk looks like neither. Any ideas? Her wattles are tiny compared to the other two, her comb is small and black. Eyes are very dark, long legs but not too long...
  12. M

    Could my 9 week old be a blue copper maran?

    This was supposed to be a lavender Orpington but we could tell early it was a hatchery mixup. Now these copper colored feathers are starting to appear I’m starting to wonder if we have a blue copper maran or some sort of mix. What do you think?
  13. C

    Breed and gender please

    3.5 mos.
  14. M

    Please me. Is this a breed?

    Hello all. I am new here and also new to chicken. I went to my feed store about 2 months ago and they had those chicks in a bin. The bin c ok clearly stated black copper maran pullet. Well, I took this one home because she was black and she had feathered feet with almost no comb. But over...
  15. GonzoJoey

    Chicken Breed and Gender

    Got told this chicken was a Easter egger and told it was a pullet too idk if either of those are right what do yall think?
  16. L

    Help with breeds and possibly sex

    Hi! So I'm having a hard time telling what breeds these two are. I remember purchasing a calico princess, and a buff orpington, and potentially a golden comet. I know one of my chicks is a buff orpington and he is also my Cockerel. But the ones in my pictures below number one and number two I'm...
  17. B

    What breeds and genders are these?

    I hatched out a couple of eggs from a local farm around 3 months ago. I'm not really sure what breeds these are.
  18. jen61871

    Bantam breed?

    I got Chicks-bantam from tractor supply for a dollar each because they are "old" at 3-4 weeks. They could not tell me the breeds though. Can somebody tell me the breed of these two Chicks? Thanks so much! Jennifer
  19. L

    Ŵhat gender or breed?

    Hi I have 5 chicks and no clue the breed or gender. They are 3 weeks and because I don't know what breeds I'm finding it hard to sex them. I'm not allowed to keep cockerels so would love to know ASAP so I can find them homes. Here are some pictures, I have numbered each chick from 1-5 TIA
  20. G

    What breed + gender are these?

    I came across 2 chicks about 2 weeks ago and I am wondering what breed and gender these 2 adolescent chickens are?
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